Chapter 5: Water Heaters Flashcards
It shall be unlawful for any person to install, remove, or replace any water heater without first __________.
B) obtaining a permit from the Authority Having Jurisdiction
Vent connectors of natural draft appliances __________ be connected to mechanical draft systems operating under positive pressure.
B) shall not
A vent connector connected to a chimney flue serving a fireplace is __________
A) prohibited unless the fireplace flue opening is permanently sealed.
A draft hood-equipped water heater is vented through an unconditioned area. The portion of the vent passing through the unconditioned area shall __________
C) be listed type B, type L, or listed material having equivalent insulating qualities.
The minimum capacity for a storage water heater is __________.
D) based on the “first hour rating” and the number of bedrooms and bathrooms.
A water heater installed in a residential garage shall be __________.
B) located or protected from damage by a moving vehicle
A final water heater inspection shall be made after __________
C) work authorized by the permit has been installed
Water heaters of other than the direct-vent type shall be located __________.
C) as close as practical to the chimney or gas vent.
A three-bedroom home with two bathrooms is equipped with a gas storage-type water heater. The minimum capacity for the water heater in accordance with the first hour ratings is __________.
C) 62 gallon
Outdoor combustion air shall be supplied by __________.
C) one or two permanent openings
Indoor combustion air supplied by using the “standard method” requires a minimum volume of __________.
B) 50 cu ft per 1,000 btu/hr
Combustion air ducts shall __________.
A) serve a single space
Combustion air ducts that terminate in an attic shall __________.
C) not be screened
Draft-hood equipped and other fuel-burning Category I water heaters shall be permitted to be installed in a closet located in the bedroom or a bathroom provided __________.
C) the closet has a listed, gasketed door assembly and a listed self-closing device.
Water heaters supported from the earth shall rest on __________.
B) a level concrete or other approved base
Where damage may result from a leaking water heater, a watertight pan of corrosion-resistant materials shall be installed underneath the water heater when it is located in an attic or __________.
D) a floor-ceiling assembly
Plastic piping may be used to vent a water heater is the water heater is __________.
B) listed for use with that material
Special gas vents shall only be installed on a water heater if __________.
C) it is listed and installed per the listing and the manufacturer’s instructions.
Water heaters incorporating integral venting means, shall be __________.
A) installed per the manufacturer’s instructions and the referenced code sections.
Water heater draft hoods or barometric draft regulators shall be __________.
D) Installed in the same room or enclosure as the water heater.
The maximum horizontal length of a 5-inch vent connector for a water heater shall not exceed __________.
C) 7-1/2 feet
(Maximum vent horizontal length shall be 18 inches per inch of connector diameter)
Referring to the drawing for a direct vent appliance with an input of 50kbtu or less, the minimum distance at X shall be __________ inches. The minimum distance at Y shall be at least __________ inches.
(A) 12,9 (B) 12,12. (C) 9,12. (D) 9,9
C) 9,12
Referring to the drawing, for a direct vent appliance with an input greater than 50,000 btu, the minimum distance from an opening into a building shall be __________ inches. The minimum distance of the bottom of the vent terminal above finish grade shall be __________ inches.
(A) 12,9 (B) 12,12 (C) 9,12. (D) 9,9
B) 12,12
A type B vent with a listed cap of 14 inches shall terminate at least __________ higher than any portion of a building within 10 feet.
(B) 2 feet
A water heater is installed on the roof of a building more than 15 feet in height. The code requires __________ to the roof unless other means acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction are used.
D) An inside means of access.
When using an alternative method of sizing with two vent connectors for draft hood-equipped water heaters, the effective area of the common vent connector or vent manifold and all junction fittings shall not be less than the area of the larger vent connector plus __________ percent of the areas of smaller flue collar outlets.
A) 50
Water heaters shall be anchored or strapped to resist horizontal displacement due to earthquake motion. True or false?
Where utilizing louvers and grills to provide combustion air, and the design and free area are not known, it shall be assumed that wood louvers will have __________ percent free area and metal louvers and grills will have __________ percent free area.
B) 25,75