Chapter 5: VLAN Trunks and Etherchannels Flashcards
Configure the VTP version
vtp version { 1 | 2 | 3 }
Configure the VTP domain name
vtp domain “domain name”
Configure the VTP mode for a switch
vtp mode {server | client | transparent | none }
***required for the first VTPv3 server
vtp primary
Configure a switch port to actively attempt to establish a trunk link
switchport mode dynamic desirable
Configure a switch port to respond to remote attempts to establish a trunk link
switchport mode dynamic auto
Configure the member ports for a static EtherChannel
channel-group “etherchannel id” mode on
Configure the member ports for an LACP EtherChannel
channel-group “etherchannel id” mode {active | passive}
Configure the member ports for a PAgP EtherChannel
channel-group “etherchannel id” mode {auto | desirable} {non-silent}
Configure the LACP packet rate
lacp rate {fast | slow}
Configure the minimum number of member links for the LACP EtherChannel to become active
port-channel min-links “min links”
Configure the maximum number of member links in an LACP EtherChannel
lacp max-bundle “max-links”
Configure a switch’s LACP system priority
lacp system-priority “priority”
Configure a switchs LACP port priority
lacp port-priority “priority”
Configure the EtherChannel load-balancing hash algorithm
port-channel load-balance “hash”
Display the contents of all current access lists
show access-list [“access list number | access list name]