Chapter 11: BGP Flashcards
Initialize the BGP router process
router bgp “as number”
Identify a BGP peer to establish a session with
neighbor “ip address” remote-as “as number”
Disable the automatic IPv4 address family configuration mode
no bgp default ip4-unicast
Initialize a specific address family and sub-address family
address-family “afi safi”
Activate a BGP neighbor for a specific address family
neighbor “ip address” activate
Advertise a network to BGP
network “network” mask “subnet mask” [route-map “routemap name”]
Configure a BGP aggregate IPv4 prefix
aggregate-address “network subnet mask” [summary-only][as-set]
Configure a BGP aggregate IPv6 prefix
aggregate-address “prefix/prefix length”[summary-only][as-set]
Display the contents of the BGP database
show bgp “afi safi” [network][detailed]
Display a summary of the BGP table and neighbor peering sessions
show bgp “afi safi” summary
Display the negotiated BGP settings with a specific peer and the number of prefixes exchanged with that peer
show bgp “afi safi” neighbors “ip address”
Display the Adj-RIB-Out BGP table for a specific BGP neighbor
show bgp “afi safi” neighbor “ip address” advertised routes