Chapter 12: Advanced BGP Flashcards
Configure a prefix list
{ip | ipv6} prefix-list “prefix list name” [seq “sequence number”] {permit | deny} “high order bit pattern/high order bit count” [ge “ge value”] [le “le value”]
Create a route map entry
route-map “route map name” [permit | deny] [“sequence number”]
Conditionally match a route map by using the AS path
match as-path “acl number”
Conditionally match in a route map by using an ACL
match ip address {“acl number | acl name”}
Conditionally match in a route map by using a prefix list
match ip address prefix-list “prefix list name”
Conditionally match in a route map by using a local preference
match local-preference “local preference”
Filter routes to a BGP neighbor by using an ACL
neighbor “ip address” distribute-list {“acl number | acl name” {in | out}
Filter routes to a BGP neighbor by using a prefix list
neighbor “ip address” prefix-list “prefix list name” {in | out}
Create an ACL based on the BGP AS path
ip as-path access-list “acl number” {deny | permit}
Filter routes to a BGP neighbor by using an AS path ACL
neighbor “ip address” filter-list “acl number” {in | out}
Associate an inbound or outbound route map with a specific BGP neighbor
neighbor “ip address” route-map “route map name” {in | out}
Configure IOS based routers to display the community in new format for easier readability of BGP communities
ip bgp-community new-format
Create a BGP community list for conditional route matching
ip community-list {“1-500” | standard “list name” | expanded “list name”}{permit | deny} “community-pattern
Set BGP communities in a route map
set community “bgp community” [additive]
Initiate a route refresh for a specific BGP peer
clear bgp “afi safi {ip address | *}” soft [ in | out]
Display the current BGP table, based on routes that meet a specified AS path regex pattern
show bgp “afi safi” regexp “regex-pattern”
Display the current BGP table, based on routes that meet a specified BGP community
show bgp “afi safi” community “community”