Chapter 3: Advanced STP Tuning Flashcards
Configure the STP priority for a switch so that is it is a root bridge or a backup root bridge
spanning-tree vlan “vlan-id” root {primary | secondary} [diameter “diameter”]
spanning-tree vlan “vlan id” priority “priority”
Configure the STP port cost
spanning-tree [vlan “vlan id”] cost “cost”
Configure the STP port priority on the downstream port
spanning-tree [vlan “vlan id”] port-priority “priority”
Enable root guard on an interface
spanning-tree guard root
Enable STP portfast globally, for a specific port or for a trunk port
spanning-tree portfast default
spanning-tree portfast
spanning-tree portfast trunk
Enable BPDU guard globally or for a specific interface
spanning-tree portfast bpduguard default
spanning-tree bpduguard {enable | disable}
Enable STP loop guard globally or for a specific interface
spanning-tree loopguard default
spanning-tree guard loop
Enable automatic error recovery for BPDU guard
errdisable recovery cause bpduguard
Change the automatic error recovery time
errdisable recovery interval “time-seconds”
Enable UDLD globally or for a specific port
udld enable {aggressive}
UDLD port {aggressive}
Display the list of STP ports in an inconsistent state
show spanning-tree inconsistentports
Display the list of neighbor devices running UDLD
show udld neighbors