Chapter 5 -- Value (Part II) Flashcards
How lights and darks in a composition give the illusion of depth
Plastic Value
Categories of Light and Shadow
Highlights Lights Reflected Light Core Shadow Cast Shadow Shadow Wedge
The technique of gradually blending contrasting lights and darks in a picture to develop the illusion of mass, volume or space.
A technique that emphasizes Chiaroscuro. Larger amounts of dark values are placed in smaller areas of highly contrasting lights.
The illusion of limited depth. The imagery moves only a slights distance back from the picture plane.
Decorative/Shallow Space
The arrangement or organization of values that control compositional movement create a unifying throughout a work of art.
Value Pattern
Values are contained but the edges or boundaries of shapes.
Closed Value Composition
Values are not limited by the edges of shapes and there for flow across shape boundaries into adjoining layers
Open Value Compositions
Part of object closest to light source; often perpendicular
Area of object receiving direct light to varying degrees
Area of object receiving direct light to varying degrees
Reflected Light
Area of object where the light “breaks” and the shadow begins; darkest shadow on the object
Core Shadow
Shadow of the object that is “thrown” upon another surface; lightens in values as it moves away from the object that created it
Cast Shadow
The outer edge of the cast shadow; lightens and softens as it moves away from the object that created it
Shadow Edge