Chapter 5 SS Test Flashcards
Benjamin Franklin
-An enlightenment thinker of the colonies
-Ran away from Boston to Philadelphia
-Had many inventions including the lightning rod, bifocals, and the first library
The Great Awakening
and the Leaders
-Leaders: Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield
-Messages: Help others and make the world a better place
-Philosophy changed ideas about government in the colonies.
-Ideas: Reason and science can improve society
John Locke
Said people have natural rights that governments must protect
Charles Montesquieu
Opposed monarchy as a form of government, and favored separating power into three branches.
Social Classes + Property
-If you owned property, you could vote
-Most people were in the middle class
Women Ranks
-An unmarried woman would have the social rank of her father
-A married woman would then have her husband’s social rank
-Valued in all 13 colonies
-The importance was that all children could read the bible
-Apprenticeships were made so that boys would learn to trade
-People also read more, so there were more books, newspapers, poetry, and histories.
Magna Carta
-The first step to limiting the English king’s power
-The people of the colonies and England wanted to reform his rule so they made the king sign the document, agreeing that the would do those things listed and be more lenient
Dominion of New England
The four New England colonies were turned into one big royal colony
Edmund Andros
-A royal governor that angered colonists
-He ended all representative assemblies
The Glorious Revolution
-This meant new rights and rulers but no need for blood in the process.
-Why? Because William and Mary became King and Queen
-The New England colonists got rid of Andros and could once again hold assemblies
The English Bill of Rights
-Gave English citizens the right to free elections, and the right to complain
Effect of the Glorious Revolution
New England Colonists got rid of Andros and could once again hold assemblies.
The Representative Government in the Colonies grew because of…
The Magna Carta, the Glorious Revolution, and the English Bill Rights
Salutary Neglect
The English policy that the king could not interfere in the colonies.
Half King
He was supposed to help George Washington, but killed a French Ambassador as revenge for killing his father.
John Peter Zenger’s Trial
-A reporter criticized the New York governor and was put in jail, but said truth is not a crime.
-It established Freedom of the Press
What competition was there between the French and the British at the ORV?
-They both wanted land, beaver furs, and to build forts on that land
-Native Americans fought on both sides
George Washington
He was sent by the Virginia Governor to tell the French they had to leave British territory.
The Seven Years War
-Name for the war in Europe.
-Didn’t exactly last for seven years.
Albany Plan of Union
-First formal proposal to unite the thirteen colonies for any reason.
(Ben Franklin’s idea)
The Colonies’ response to Albany Plan of Union…
The colonies didn’t want to give up local power.
Fort Duquesne
-French Fort the British wanted to capture
General Braddock
-British General in America
-The British lose The Battle of Quebec and Braddock dies before they reach the fort
Battle of Quebec
-Turning point in the War
Outcome of the Battle of Quebec
The British win and cut off French supplies to their forts
Treaty of Paris
-Officially ended the war
-Terms: France lost all power in North America, and the British officially owned the Ohio River Valley
Pontiac’s Rebellion
When British colonists moved onto Native lands, the tribes fought back but lost.
Effects of the French + Indian War
- Control of Canada from France to England
- English colonists expected to move onto land won in the war
- England banned colonial expansion west off of the Appalachians
Proclamation of 1763
-England’s response to Pontiac’s rebellion
Colonists’ Reaction to the Proclamation of 1763
Colonists thought they had earned the right to settle and expand