Chapter 5 - Server Storage Flashcards
What are Storage Spaces?
A storage virtualization technology in Windows Server 2016. Virtual disks created from free space in a Storage Pool. These virtual disks are like LUNs (logical unit numbers) in a Storage Area Network (SAN) environment.
What is a Storage Pool?
A collection of physical disks that can be presented to users as logical disks.
What is Tiered Storage?
Disks of different speeds used optimally.
What is a iSCSI Target?
SCSI targets advertise storage, just like controllers for hard disk drives of locally attached storage.
What is a iSCSI Initiator?
A client in the iSCSI network.
What are 3 Storage layout options?
Two and Three way Mirrors
What is a simple storage layout?
Simple features striping but no parity for resiliency; remember that striping means segments of data are written across multiple physical disks. Why would you choose Simple? The answer lies in performance improvements.
What is a two or three way mirrored storage layout?
These spaces support two- or three-way copies of the data they host; note that mirror spaces also stripe data across multiple physical disks.
What is a Parity Storage layout?
This Storage Spaces technology is like RAID 5: Data is striped, along with parity information, across multiple physical drives; the parity information permits resiliency.
How do you expand a Storage Pool?
Step 1. Add a new virtual disk by navigating to iSCSI in Server Manager. Step 2. Create a new iSCSI virtual disk by specifying the following values:
Storage location Disk name
ISCSI target
Step 3. In Server Manager, click the Refresh button and wait for all the panes to refresh.
Step 4. In the STORAGE POOLS pane, right-click your Storage Pool and then add the new physical disk to the Storage Pool.
Step 5. In the VIRTUAL DISKS pane, right-click Mirrored vDisk and then extend your virtual disk to the desired size.
How do you optimize Tired storage?
Mix the type of disks you use such as slow large mechanical disks in conjunction with small, fast SSD disks. Windows Server moves the data based on he frequency of access.
When you add HDDs and SSDs to a Storage Space, Windows Server 2016 registers each type of disk and automatically creates two tiers. By default, each night at 1 a.m., optimization of the disks can occur.
How do you manually run optimization on tiered storage?
To manually run the optimization, use the following PowerShell command:
Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName “Storage Tiers Optimization” | Start-ScheduledTask
How do you pin files to certain tiers of storage?
using the PowerShell cmdlet Set-FileStorageTier such as:
Set-FileStorageTier -DesiredStorageTierFriendlyName -FilePath [-CimSession ] [-ThrottleLimit ] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [ ] [ ]
What are some PowerShell cmdlets for iSCSi targets?
Install-WindowsFeature FS-iSCSITarget-Server New-IscsiVirtualDisk New-IscsiServerTarget Add-IscsiVirtualDiskTargetMapping Connect-IscsiTarget New-IscsiTargetPortal
How do you connect to an iSCSi target?
Step 1: Start-Service msiscsi
Step 2: Set-Service msiscsi -StartupType “Automatic”
Step 3: New-IscsiTargetPortal