Chapter 5 Road policing Flashcards
What is the vision of the safe journeys strategy
A safe road system increasingly free of deaths and serious injury
What are the three safe system objectives for the road transport system
accommodating of human error
manages the forces to the level of human body can tolerate without serious injury
minimise the level of unsafe road user behaviour
What are the four key focuses of a safe system
Safe roads safe speeds safe vehicles safe road use
Who is responsible for a safe road system
Road safety is everyone’s responsibility
What percentage of public interaction occurs at the roadside
44% of all contact with the public occurs roadside providing a huge opportunity to contribute to achieving the 90% level of public trust and confidence
What are the four key areas of risk that wrote that police will focus their road policing attention on
Restraints impairment distractions speed
What is six critical command information tools that enable deployment for road policing
District deployment tool
repeat registrations report
road safety partnership
tasking coordination on
duty tools
local stakeholder partnerships
Who retains overall operational oversight and organisational risk management of a fleeing driver incident
Police communications retain overall operational oversight and organisational risk management even though come on May have been passed a field supervisor police communications my retake command
What are the three key things about police conduct and managing fleeing driver incidents must balance
Public and police employees safety the risks involved in the public interest in apprehending those who fail to stop
What is the police risk assessment tool in a fleeing driver
How often bus the rest be assessed in a fleeing driver pursuit
Assessing the risk must be a continuous process until the pursuit is resolved or abandoned by all staff involved
Can lead vehicle driver be directed to commence or continuously driver pursuit against their own judgement
No drivers decision not to commence a fleeing driver pursuit or to abandon the pursuit cannot be overridden
Under what circumstances would a secondary vehicle take over the pursuit commentary in a fleeing driver incident
If the lead vehicle is single crewed
If another vehicle wishes to respond with a tactical option during a police pursuit what must they do
Notify the pursuit controller of location tactical option and seek permission as appropriate when safe to do so if initiating a tactical option
If the identity of the fleeing driver becomes knowing what needs to occur
The pursuit controller needs to direct the abandonment of the fleeing driver pursuit
If the lead driver in a police pursuit has a PPDP rating of silver and the passenger has a rating of gold can they report the vehicle as gold
Yes they can report the vehicle as gold while under supervision
Once the direction to abandon the pursuit has been given what must all vehicles do
All vehicles must abandon the fleeing driver pursuit and therefore comply with the road rules use the rules
Any police vehicles actively pursuing during the fleeing driver incident upon abandonment must immediately carry out what steps
Acknowledge the direction to abandon
reduce speed to increase the distance
deactivate warning devices
stop when safe
confirm the stationary state their location
undertake inquiry phase
Who can give permission to engage a fleeing driver after abandonment
Permission must be sought from the pursuit controller
Permission will be granted to re-engage a vehicle previously involved in the abandoned fling driver incident with the pursuit controller is satisfied with what
Any subsequent risks are mitigated or the situation has changed
Would a subsequent engagement in a fleeing driver incident after abandonment become a new pursuit and
When can offices signal a driver to stop after having abandoned fleeing driver incident
Only once approval has been given by the pursuit controller
Who can undertake a non-compliant vehicle stop and under what circumstances
A OSOSTG members trained in the tactor in response to a mobile and fleeing driver must be initiated by a OSOSTG commander
Does abandonment of a fleeing driver pursuit by the pursuit controller apply to aircraft involved in the pursuit
Not unless specifically directed to do