Chapter 5: Men's Long Term Mating Strategies Flashcards
men typically don’t want to get married/vlaue relationships differently than women. What are the 7 benefits men have to getting married?
1) more of their children survive (biparentism of human children survive better)
2) status in community (typically married men have more status)
3) Certainty of paternity (marriage ensures monogamy)
4) increased the quality of the mate (by treating them better)
5) icnreased chances of finding a mate in the first place
6) increased chances of their children being reproductively successful and having their own children.
7) added coalitions and larger family ties becuase you are now associated with your wifes family. = more support
reproductive value
the number of children a given person may have in the future depending on their age and sex
younger women have a _____ reproductive value than older women
differences between reproductive value and fertility
reproductive value is the number of potential offspring someone could have, but fertility is the number of offspring that was actually produced.
Although a 15 year old girl would have higher reproductive value, a 30 year old woman would have a higher ____ because;
higher FERTILITY rate because she most likely has produced more children than the 15 year old girl.
2 broad traits that signify a woman with high reproductive value
youth and health, which preset overt qualities in younger women (larger boobs, larger hips, small waist, symmetry)
T/F: the male preference for youth is seen cross culturally
true. all men prefer younger women, but it may differ slightly across cultures (ex/ nigeria prefers 6 years younger whereas croatia men prefer 2.25 years younger).
according to the eye tracking study, men spent longer dwelling time looking at faces that were younger and more feminine. this suggest that there is greater ___ ____ to young female faces
attentional adhesion
What happens to age preference as a man gets older?
it becomes even MORE IMPORTANT. Older men prefer younger and younger wives
men in their 30s prefer women who are 5 years younger, and men in their 50s prefer women 10-20 years younger.
why do men desire youth?
because its indicative of fertility and reproductive value. Youth is just an indicator OF fertility.
If youth is actually just an indicator of health, fertility and reproductive value, what age group do adolescent boys think are most attractive? Why?
adolescent boys think OLDER women are more attractive because women who are older than they are often have higher reproductive value compared to the girls who are the same age as they are. they prefer women whoa re SEVERAL YEARS OLDER than they are during adolescence, but as they near adult hood, they prefer younger females.
explain how social learning theory can be applied to males preference for younger mates. What is the exception to this? Which hypothesis for youthful preference is most strongly supported?
because women tend to prefer men who are older, men may have received more reward or reinforcement for seeking dates with younger women.
this cannot explain the fact that teenage boys are more attracted to older women, who they often cannot obtain.
the evolutionary explanation for youthful preference is most STRONGLY SUPPORTED: men desire young women because youth has CONSISTENTLY been linked with fertility.
When men are in their 50s, they prefer LONG TERM mates who are 10-20 years younger than them. However, 20 years younger is still 30, which is PAST the peak fertility. What may account for this discrepancy in the evolutionary youthful-preference hypothesis? What is a male’s preference in age for a SHORT TERM mate?
For long term partners, 1) older men may find it harder to attract dramatically younger women, and thus their preferences may just reflect a COMPROMISE
2) younger mates may be less compatible; nowadays, couples spend a lot of time socializing with one another, whereas in our evolutionary period, men typically just stayed with other men and women took care of cihldren and other women. therefore, we are now forced to live with our differences.
Men still prefer women who are at peak-fertility age when it comes to SHORT TERM mating.
mate ____ rates increase as the age difference between partners incrrease
homicide rate.
beauty is in the ____ of the beholder
adaptations. female beauty cues a woman’s fertility or reproductive value
2 main observable evidence of a women’s reproductive value
1) physical appearance : youthfull face, full lips, no wrinkles, clear skin, long hair, good muscle tone
2) features in behavior: high energy, bouncy and youthful gate.
what features of the eyes are deemed attractive to men?
a super-white sclera (the white parts of the eyes). having a dull sclera is indicative of metabolic and autoimmune problems.
a surplus of women tend to promote ___-term strategies in both men and women.
short term
a surplus of men tend to promote ___-term strategies
LONG term. women prefer long term relationships and they are in high demand and thus get what they want
men prefer women with __ hair. why?
long hair. its indicative of health.
2 reasons as to why facial feminine features are considered attractive to men
1) feminine features are a sign of youth because womens faces get less feminine as they age
2) feminine facial features signify that they have a lot of estrogen, signifying fertility
3) facial femininity is correlated with disease resistance.
T/F: the correlation between facial symmetry and attractive ness is higher than feminine facial features and attractiveness
false. although facial symmetry is still important, feminine facial structures are deemed more attractive
although counterintuitive, why is facial averageness important?
1) men may rank average looking people as more attractive because people may show a general cognitive preference for things that are easily processes
2) averageness is a marker for genetic quality. Deviations from averageness may be cues of genetic mutations and disease.
both sexes view relateively longer legs as more attractive in ___
studies found that in lowersocioeconomic backgrounds, women who had more offspring often had ___ ___
longer legs.
Evidence that standards of beauty are essentially hardwired from early in life? (although there is some flexibility among cultures)
all children seem to play with more attractive dolls than unattractive ones regardless if they were exposed to media previously or not.
why is peak fertility at mid 20s for women?
because at that age, women produce the most viable offspring