Chapter 12: Status, Prestige and Social Dominance Flashcards
How do status Hierarchies emerge in Crickets?
If a cricket wins a lot of fights, it becomes more aggressive. If it loses, it will become
submissive. Over time a dominance hierarchy emerges. Male crickets who win a fight are more
likely to seek sex from female crickets.
Physiological changes seen in Crayfish during the emergence of hierarchies
Neurons in dominant crayfish were excited to serotonin. These same neurons are inhibited in subordinate crayfish. This is the first time a social phenomenon has been linked to a specific
change at an identified synapse.
when subordinate crayfish started to win fights their neurons started to respond
in an excited fashion to serotonin. When dominant crayfish started to lose fights their neurons still responded in an excited fashion to serotonin.
T/F: Hiearchies are static
false. they can be challenged
why did the dominance striving mechanism in males develop?
because dominant males saw an increase in sexual access to female mates
Elevated dominance and status can give males sexual access along 2 paths
1) dominant men are preferred by women
2) Intrasexual domination (poaching)
During a pairing of a high dominant female and a low dominant male, why did the low dominant male still become leader?
women tend to be less consumed by personal gain and opt to express their dominance for group-oriented goals.
2 Key Features of the Dominance Theory (Cumins)
1) humans have evolved domain-specific strategies for social reasoning about dominance hierarchies
(permissions, obligations)
2) These domain-specific strategies will emerge prior to, and separate from, other reasoning strategies.
What is the service-for-prestige theory
the idea that leaders emerge because they provide key services to followers in the form of organizational skills intelligence wisdom and knowledge. These leader-provided serves benefit the followers.
the service-for-prestige theory is based on :
reciprocal altruism.
T/F: men scoring high on social dominance admit having more affairs
2 most robust sex differences in the preschool years
1) rough and tumble play in boys emerge, whereas girls play cooperative games “house”
2) boys use more egotistic languages and are not readily influenced by girls. Girls use language as a more socially binding process
Why should social dominance orientation be higher in men
because having a higher SDO would lead to ancestral men having greater control of and access to women. In sum, men appear to score higher on alttitudes endorsing getting ahead.
What type of dominant acts do women rank more desirable? do men?
women tend to rate PROSOCIAL DOMINANCE acts as more socially desirable.
Men more than women tended to rate EGOISTIC dominant acts as more socially desirable. ( where they influence others for the direct personal benefit)
Status competition among men tend to be most intense when they involve men of equal status. Does this occur for women?
It does not occur in women. Men tend to engage in riskier behavior when they are being observed by others (who are similar in status)
Deontic reasoning
emerges in a young child’s life. Reasoning about what a person is permitted, obligated or forbidden to do.