Chapter 5 - Learning Flashcards
A relatively enduring change in behavior or thinking that results from experiences
basic form of learning evident when an organism does not respond as strongly or as often to an event following multiple exposures to it
an event or occurrence that generally leads to a response
neutral stimulus
a stimulus that does not cause a relevant automatic or reflexive response
classical conditioning
learning process where 2 stimuli become associated with each other when and originally neutral stimulus is conditioned to elicit involuntary response
unconditioned stimulus
a stimulus that automatically triggers an involuntary response without any learning needed
unconditioned response
A reflexive or involuntary response to an unconditioned stimulus
conditioned stimulus
previously neutral stimuli that organisms learn to associate with an unconditioned stimulus
conditioned response
a learned response to a conditional stimuli
initial learning phase in both classical and operant learning
stimulus generalization
once a CS and CR are learned the learner can respond to similar stimuli as if they were the CS
stimulus discrimination
The ability to differentiate between CS and a stimuli that is sufficiently different
presenting the CS without the US repeatedly the association between the two can fade and eventually disappear
extinction (operant)
the disappearance of a learned behavior through the removal of its reinforcer
spontaneous recovery
the reappearance of a CR after its extinction
higher order conditioning
a CS and NS are repeatedly associated with each other and after a while the new NS becomes a CS as well
conditioned taste aversion
classical conditioning that occurs when an organism learns to associate the taste of a particular food or drink with illness
adaptive value
the degree to which a trait or behavior helps an organism survive
biological preparedness
the predisposition or inclination of animals(and people) to form certain kinds of associations through classical conditioning
conditional emotional response
an emotional reaction acquired through classical conditioning; process by which an emotional reaction becomes associated with a previously neutral stimulus
operant conditioning
people or animals come to associate their voluntary actions with consequences
law of effect
a behavior is more likely to happen again when followed by a pleasurable outcome
something that will increase the likelihood that the preceding behavior will happen again
successive approximations
using reinforcers to change behavior through small steps to a desired behavior
a person observes the behaviors of another organism and provides reinforcers if the organism performs at a required level
instinctive drift
the tendency for animals to revert to instinctual behaviors after a behavior pattern has been learned
positive reinforcement
reinforcers are added following the target behavior and they are generally pleasant
negative reinforcement
things that are unpleasant are taken away after the proper behavior is achieved
primary reinforcers
satisfies a biological need
secondary reinforcer
dont satisfy biological need but often gain power through their association with primary reinforcers
Ex: money or grades
continuous reinforcement
a schedule of reinforcement in which every target behavior is reinforced
partial reinforcement
a schedule for reinforcement in which target behaviors are reinforced intermittently not continuously
partial reinforcement effect
the tendency for behaviors acquired through intermittent reinforcement to be more resistant to extinction than those acquired through continuous reinforcement
fixed ratio schedule
a schedule in which the subject must exhibit a predetermined number of desired behaviors before a reinforcer is given
variable ratio schedule
the number of desired responses or behaviors that must occur before a reinforcer is given changes across trials
fixed interval schedule
the reinforcer comes after a preestablished interval of time; a reinforcer is given for the first target behavior after that period has elapsed
variable interval schedule
the length of time between reinforcers is unpredictable. in this schedule the reinforcer comes after an interval of time goes by but the length of the interval changes from trial to trial
the application of a consequence that decreases the likelihood of a behavior recurring
positive punishment
the addition of something unpleasant following unwanted behavior with the intention of decreasing the behavior
negative punishment
the removal of something desirable following and unwanted behavior, with the intention of decreasing that behavior
the individual or character whose behavior is being intimidated
observational learning
learning that occurs as a result of watching the behavior of others
prosocial behaviors
actions that are kind generous and beneficial to others
latent learning
occurs without awareness and regardless of reinforcement and is not evident until needed
cognitive map
a mental representation of physical space