Chapter 5-Learning Flashcards
3 types of learning
- Classical conditioning
- Operant conditioning
- Observational Learning
- Classical Conditioning
Discovered by Ivan Pavlov
Ex -sound of dentists drill: sweaty palms
-smell of wife’s perfume: smiling
-noise of can opener: cat comes running
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
Triggers reflexive response
spicy food, shot gun, giving a speech, warm bottle
Unconditioned Response (UR)
Reflex response
Ex -sweating, hiding, sick, heart racing
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Originally neutral stimulus then acquires significance through pairing w the US
Ex -specific restaurant, thunderstorm, bell on microwave, perfume, light
Conditioned Response (CS)
Learned response to CS
*always the same as UR
Ex sweating, hiding, drooling
Avoidance Learning
CS is paired w unpleasant US that leads individual to avoid CS. *John Watson Ex little Albert Us-noise Ur- fearful crying Cs-white rat
Stimulus Generalization
Tendency to respond to a stimulus that is similar to conditioned response
Ex little Albert had phobia of white furry objects
Stimulus Discrimination
Ability to distinguish between the different stimuli (poisonous mushroom vs delicious mushroom, police vs headlights on other cars)
Biological Preparedness
Built-in readiness for quick learning (less conditioning is necessary)
Ex fear of heights vs fear of running across road
Classical Conditioning Recap
Type of learning where organism comes to associate one stimulus w another (Pavlovian conditioning)
Classical Conditioning involves learning one event predicts another
- Operant Conditioning
Learning produced by active behavior of individual
Ex slot machine, dog tricks
do something recieve surprise
Law of Effect
Responses followed by positive outcomes are repeated, whereas followed by negative outcomes are not
Skinner box
Device animal can operate in order to get reward, controlled by experimenter
Ex rat presses bar, obtains food pellets from tube
Stimulus increases probability that the operant associated w it will happen again
Positive Reinforcement
Event that strengthens response after response occurs
Ex food, smiles, food, money
Primary Reinforcer
satisfies need (food, water, sleep)
Secondary Reinforcer
Doesn’t satisfy physical need (applause, attention, praise)
Negative Reinforcement
Constant unpleasant state/event is removed following desired behavior
Ex maintains shock until the correct response is uttered, open umbrella in the rain
DECREASES the probability by providing unpleasant stimulus after undesired response
Ex yelling at dog, taking phone away, shocking after correct answer
Difference between punishment and negative reinforcement
Punishment- decreases response
Negative Reinforcement- strengthens a response
Gradual process of rewarding behaviors that get closer to target behavior
Successive Approximation
Series of smaller behaviors involved in shaping complex behavior
Fixed-Ratio Reinforcement
Provide reinforcement after fixed number of responses
FR 10- rat receives food after 10th bar tap
20 sit-ups then a drink
Variable-Ratio Reinforcement
Reinforcement after a given number of responses, but that number varies from one reinforcement to the next
Ex VR 30 schedule- rat rewarded after 10, then 50, average of 30
Fixed-Interval Reinforcement
Providing reinforcement for the first response that occurs after some fixed time has passed since last reward
ex FI 60- first response after 60 seconds pass
Self administered medication drops( only so much every so often)
Variable-Interval Reinforcement
The amt of time varies for the reinforcement
Ex surprise points given on random days
Concerned w number of responses not regarding time
concerned w time intervals and number of responses
- Observational Learning
learning that occurs through observation, not direct reinforcement.