Chapter 13-Personality Psych Flashcards
Alex Honnold
Super crazy free climber
set of organized and relatively enduring psychological mechanisms within individual determines interactions and adaptations to the environment
The Interpersonal Circumplex (circle)
Extrovert-need lots of external stimulus
Introvert- little external stimulus
Neurotic- very changeable emotions: prone to anxiety and depression
Stable- ability to remain calm under stress
1) Extroversion
2) Agreeableness
3) Conscientiousness
4) Neuroticism
5) Open to experience
* diff combos help diagnose and classify psychological disorders.
generally more men, declines w age
more likely to: have more day dreams, use drugs, gamble, risky sports, spicy or crunchy foods, view situation less risky, send mean emails
Sensation Seeking Test
High SS score high on extroversion and openness
Minnesota Multiphalic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2)
Popular personality inventory designed to assess psychopathology
MMPI-2 personality tests
1-hypochondriasis 2-depression 3-hysteria 4-psychopathic deficiency 5-masculinity feminity 6-Paranoia 7-Psychasthenia 8-Schizophrenia 9-Hypomania 10-Social Introversion
Projective Tests
Assessment tool that asks test takers to make sense of an ambiguous stimulus
Sensory Deprivation Tanks
“Isolation tank/Float tanks”
isolated in salt water bath darkness
immersed into world of darkness no sound hear only breathing and heart beat
created by John C Lilly’s
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Protective test that uses depictions of scenes often w people in them
Rorschach Test
Project ice test that uses ink blots
Freudian Model
conflict + conflict
Structural Model of Mind
Id-unconsciousness (baby don’t know)
Ego-Consciousness (starting to learn stuff about life)
Superego-when your morals form
Defense Mechanisms
Repression Projection Displacement Sublimation Reaction Formation Denial
sexual drive/curiosity; part of Id
Psychosexual Stages
1 Oral-birth:18 mths-passivity 2 Anal-18mths:3yrs-control 3 Phallic-3-6yrs-Exhibition *flashers Girls: electra complex, penis envy (want dad att Boys:Oedipos complex, castration anxiety *notice difference&similar in bodies, love triangle dad mom kid, birth of superego 4 Latency-6yrs:puberty 5 Genital- puberty:beyond reciprocity
1st born and only child
- more responsible, ambitious, organized academically successful, conscientious
- more anxious about status
- less closely identified w family
- compared to siblings, more likely to live further/visit family
- more likely to identify non-kin closest to them
Later born
- more agreeable, warmer&trusting
- more adventurous, sociable, fun loving
- more self conscious
Humanistic Psychology
In response to freuds somewhat neg view of human nature (emphasizing sex&agression)
famouscarl rivers, abraham maslow
Unconditional Positive Regard
Acceptance with out any conditions
Self Actualization
Aiming for highest possible emotional and intellectual potential all