Chapter 5: IT Governance and IT Controlling Flashcards
What is Corporate Governance? – Shareholder View
Corporate Governance is concerned with the way how leadership and control is being done. The challenge in Corporate Governance is to find an optimum of leadership within the legal context. The focus of shareholders’ needs is the control of the management board attending to shareholders’ interests.
What is Corporate Governance?
Corporate governance is the system by which business corporations are directed and controlled. The corporate governance structure specifies the distribution of rights and responsibilities among different participants in the corporation, such as the board, managers, shareholders and other stakeholders, and spells out the rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs.
By doing this, it also provides the structure through which the company objectives are set, and the means of attaining those objectives and monitoring performance.
Corporate Governance and IT Governance
Sarbanes-Oxley Act (United States, 2002)
- Higher focus on corporate governance to ensure proper fiscal accountability to shareholders and stakeholders
- Reassessment of the underlying governance frameworks of each organizational function
- Increased attention towards the governance of IT function (IT governance)
From Corporate Governance to IT Governance
IT Governance
“IT governance represents the framework for decision rights and accountabilities to encourage desirable behavior in the use of IT”
“IT governance is not about what specific decisions are made. That is management. Rather, governance is about systematically determining who makes each type of decision (a decision right), who has input to a decision (an input right) and how these people (or groups) are held accountable for their role. Good IT governance draws on corporate governance principles to manage and use IT to achieve corporate performance goals.”
Why IT Governance?
- Prepare for changes in business portfolio to allow movement into new customer segments or as a result of mergers and divestments (align processes and systems)
- Leverage technology for business innovation and competitive advantage, by providing better insight into the operation
- Manage IT project portfolio for value contribution and align IT investments with business priority
- Structure and plan the IT application and infrastructure landscape at times of increased uncertainty
- Apply a sourcing strategy that balances critical internal business knowledge and market capabilities. Manage growing vendor relationships
IT as a Business
- Manage IT services as a professional market focused organization competing on quality and price
- Manage IT risks (accounting/controlling relevance)
IT Governance Downsides
- time and energy
- communication and skills needed
- dodging responsibilities
- must be sold as relatively useful
Scope of IT Governance: 4 Dimensions
- IT Strategy to 2
- IT Value Delivery to 3
- Risk Management to 4
- Performance Measurement to 1
- Stakeholder Value Drivers to 1
IT Governance tasks
- Setting the overall direction for IT within the corporation
- Maintaining cultural values, corporate image & voice
- Representing corporation’s key IT stakeholders
- Developing IT strategy including sourcing philosophy
- Build corporate IT organization
- Setting corporate IT goals
- Agreeing on IT performance targets with IT customers
Capital allocation
- Allocating resources
- Determining capital available
- Determining IT investment criteria
- Reviewing bids for capital
- Setting the fundamental IT operating procedures
- Establishing standards, rules and guidelines
- Defining technical and application architectures
Coordination & compliance
- Ensuring compliance with IT standards and obligations
- Coordinating IT activities between IT demand & supply
- Coordinating IT deployment
Monitoring & control
- Qualitative benchmarking
- Managing service levels
- Managing a penalty system
- Identifying areas for service improvement
IT Governance is not a stand-alone exercise
Use of IT Governance - Disciplines
Strategic Planning
- Provides the structure and process to set IT direction and priorities, monitor performance against plan, and reset direction as needed
Architecture Management
- Supports the establishment of a flexible and adaptable information, application and technology foundation to support effective, reliable and secure enterprise operations and management
Sourcing Management
- Requires procurement to follow established practices for the acquisition of IT hardware, software and services
Delivery Management
- Supports the optimization of the development and delivery of IT products and services on time, on budget, and with the required quality standard
Program Management
- Enables the management and monitoring of IT projects and programs to deliver project results within reasonable cost-benefit expectations, and at an acceptable level of risk
Design of IT Governance - Important
IT Governance and Key Issues of IT Leadership
What is CobiT?
- CobiT …
- integrates business risks, control activities and technology
- is grouped in 4 domains (planning and organisation, acquisition and implementation, delivery and support and monitoring)
- CobiT provides…
- a domain and process framework as well as activities in a logical and manageable structure
- a monitoring system to support business processes, attain information requirements and control IT resources
- tool for process owners
- a set of 34 high-level control objectives and 214 detailed control objectives
- various IT Governance guidelines
Constitution of CobiT