Chapter 5 (FO III & IV) Flashcards
Knowing where one has been is confirmed in past reports; knowing where one is require situational awareness, active listening, and paying attention; But knowing where one is going involves __________
research– collecting and analyzing data and making assumptions
It is responsibility of the ____________ to predict the future, estimate resource needs, and determine whether existing processes are working as intended
chief fire officer
___________ are often used in a variety of planning processes such as incident preplanning, Master and strategic planning, anticipated revenue planning, and personnel hiring an can include such items as total population, population density, areas of population growth or decline, ethnicity of populations,
Demographic statistics
For a department to determine whether recruitment, selection, and placement of its personnel are more effective and consistent with the law and best practices, a department must first determine its _________________ information
internal demographic
Departments that do not reflect the ___________ of the citizenry they protect may be negatively affected by poor community relations or various forms of litigation
The goal of ________ is to meet the needs of the citizens at the times those needs arise and to provide enough personnel to mitigate hazards in the safest possible manner
Staffing is about the organization meeting its critical priorities. One of the biggest challenges for the organization meeting the desired staffing level is ______
The total number of companies and the positioning of the companies to accomplish appropriate response times ultimately defines the __________required to deliver the defined level of service
number of personnel
The goal of the____________________ is to collect as much information as possible about each job
job analysis
There are four common methods used to collect the information needed for the job analysis:
Critical incident reports
Work diaries
Interviews and questionnaires or surveys
The ___________ can serve as a guide or the organization to meet the desired staffing level. Changes in staffing and deployment of resources should be data driven to ensure the needs of both the citizens and the employees are met
strategic human resources plan
A ________ is a statement of principle used to guide decisions and actions
A _________ is the method used to achieve compliance with the principle policy describes
____________ help shape the organizations culture and should be used to align the organizations mission, priorities, culture, and operational realities.
Policies and procedures
One of the major laws regarding wages is the _________, which establishes minimum wage, overtime pay, recordkeeping, and youth employment standards affecting full-time and part-time workers in the private sector and in federal, state, and local governments
fair labor standards act
The benefits available to employees are divided into three categories
Security and health
Payments for time not worked
Employee services
_________ benefits include health insurance, flexible Health spending accounts, life insurance, line of duty death benefits, disability insurance, pension plans, And Worker’s Compensation
Security and health
_________ include annual or personal leave, Sick leave, pay time off, bereavement leave, holiday leave, maternity leave, and educational leave.
Payments for time not worked
_______ include health or wellness programs, employee assistance programs, tuition assistance, uniform allowance, food allowances, employer provided car or car allowance, childcare, professional association membership, service awards, flexible work schedules, and athletic teams.
Employee services
A __________offers all employees a basic plan with additional credits or a dollar amount to select additional benefits
Cafeteria benefits approach
Members of many career fire departments are civil service employees. As such, their fringe benefits are usually determined by ______
state or municipal regulations.
Incentive programs help motivate employees, increasing the _______ within the department.
Incentive programs can have a direct monetary benefit as well; For instance, a _______ incentive program may pay big dividends in lowering on duty injury and sick-day usage
lifestyle and fitness
_______ is comparing the employees compensation with that of other employee groups within the same organization
Internal equity
_______ is comparing the employees compensation with that of employees doing the same job and similar size department and other similar municipalities
External equity
_______ includes the recruitment of new employees, retention of current employees, conflict management, the discipline process, and the performance appraisal process
Employee engagement
________ is the first step in determining how well all the people in the department work together to provide the best possible services to the department external customers (the citizenry) and internal customers (department personnel)
employee relationships
It is well documented that the failure to ________ at an incident scene places the safety of firefighters at risk
communicate effectively
Categories of assessment (Domains of learning)
Cognitive ability evaluation
Written Testing
Categories of assessment (Domains of learning)
Psychomotor evaluation
Physical Fitness Testing
Categories of assessment (Domains of learning)
Affective evaluation
Oral Interview
A very important but often overlooked factor for a potential new hire is __________
organizational fit
A better organizational fit can result in
the hiring of a more motivated employee
Those who “fit” the organization tend to get along with the other employees, causing fewer __________
personnel issues
To ensure the best organizational fit with a new firefighter or officer, the process starts ___________
before the candidate even applies to the department
Personal problems that affect job performance can include personality conflicts among peers or supervisors, problems outside of work, addictions of many varieties, and ______
physiological disorders
Providing an ______ is a necessary component of good human resource management and support
(EAP’s) If the employees feel that the program will not be helpful or confidentiality can be compromised,……
They simply will not take advantage of the program
When conflicts do arise, and they should be mitigated at the________________within the department; The chain of command within the department should be followed
lowest level possible
Determining the best course of action is dictated by the facts of the situation and the consideration of any legal, contractual, policy, or__________ that may apply to the situation
procedural requirements
Discipline for infractions should be clearly defined in the _________. Therefore, if an infraction occurs, the resulting action from the organization should not be a surprise to the employee
policies and procedures
The goal of the discipline process is to ___________ when that behavior is not meeting organizational expectations and/or is not in accordance with organizational policies and procedures
modify an employees behavior
To make the disciplinary process less intimidating for both of the supervisor in the employee, consider _____________ to receive and transmit information related to the process
assigning a responsible party (ideally someone from the executive staff)
Investigation into an infraction : One of the most important things to keep in mind during the investigation is proper and thorough _______
The goals of the disciplinary process are to correct the behavior and__________ with the least amount of discipline necessary
increase employee performance
In most cases, a ________________ (also referred to as a Loudermill’s hearing, Based on Cleveland board of education v. Loudermill) must be conducted before a suspension, termination, or involuntary demotion can be invoked
pre-disciplinary conference
- This step ensures the employee has been given due processor hearing
_______ are protection for the public employee as it relates to criminal prosecution
Garrity rights
A _________ is a statement of where a person wants to be in the department, and the objectives are the necessary steps to get there
career goal is a statement
Training policies are designed to identify the amount and type of training as well as the _________
discipline for noncompliance with established requirements
_______ serves as the official spokesperson for the training program and is charged with overseeing the development, presentation, tracking, and coronation of the training program
The training officer
_______ typically takes place on a one on one basis, where a supervisor takes a more personal interest in the professional development of an employee.
Formal mentoring
Promoting well-qualified personnel is a very important ______ function within the fire department
human resource
a policy and procedure that is ________ first complies with all applicable legal requirements and then goes be on to ensure that the playing field is level
The _______ is when the evaluator rates the candidate the same across the board. This might be based on one particular area of the evaluator feels strongly about. It also might be based on the general perception of the employee and not the actual performance
Halo/horn effect
The _________ is when an evaluator or assessor assigns the particular rating based on recent performance unrelated to the assessment center or interview
Recency error
In ________, the evaluator avoids giving either high or low marks, keeping his or her ratings in the middle
Central tendency
The _________ is when the evaluator compares the candidates to other candidates and not the specific competencies being evaluated
contrast error
A ________ is when the evaluator is influenced by the similarity of a candidates to himself or herself
similarity bias
Validity and reliability prove the promotion process is _______
fair and equitable
In the promotion process, ________ is accomplished by incorporating all of the legal requirements previously discussed with items specific to the authority having jurisdiction, taking into consideration the full transparency of the process
______ requires that any test being administered is representative of the KSA’s defined by the job analysis.
Content – related validity
_________ can lead to legal and ethical problems relating to fairness and consistency
Unreliable policy and procedure
__________ is a form of reliability that would look at only the test, which is broken into two parts and then administered as two separate tests and wanting the same results from both
Internal consistency
NFPA 1021 is a _______ that is a resource to be used when describing job-related requirements in policies and procedures.
national consensus standard
Ability can be divided into broad categories of _________
cognitive, physical, and perceptual motor abilities
The best predictor of future behavior is _______
past behavior
Using a ________ is a systematic and fair approach to successfully evaluating candidates
structured behavioral interview
__________ when done properly, helps ensure the viability of the organization well into the future.
Succession planning
In a __________, employee representatives and meet with management to discuss possible changes to the compensation package and working conditions as desired by both groups. In the end management ultimately decides what they are willing to give.
meet and confer committee
The most critical labor management cooperation involves __________
the health, wellness, and safety of the personnel.
It is always a good practice to have an ________ who specializes in labor issues review the policies and procedures to ensure that they are well-written and appropriate
Attorney or Human Resource Director
In cases where binding arbitration is available to negotiating parties, the _______ step is often mandatory prior to filing for arbitration
__________ is nothing more than an agreement between labor and management outside the current CBA
An LOU or a memorandum of understanding (MOU)