Chapter 5: Coping with and Reducing Stress Flashcards
A process by which individuals can acquire voluntary control over a physiological function by monitoring its status.
cognitive restructuring
A therapeutic process for replacing thoughts that provoke stress with ones that do not.
cognitive therapy
A cognitive restructuring approach that has clients test hypotheses about maladaptive beliefs they hold about events in their lives.
The process by which people try to manage the stress they experience.
emotion-focused coping
Approaches people use for managing stress that are aimed at regulating their emotional responses.
The intentional and non‐judgemental focus of one’s attention on inner and/or outer surroundings.
Learning by watching the behaviour of other people.
problem-focused coping
Approaches people use for managing stress aimed at reducing the discrepancy between their resources and the demands of the situation.
problem-solving training
A cognitive approach in stress reduction that teaches clients strategies to address life problems.
progressive muscle relaxation
A stress reduction technique in which people are trained to alternate between tightening and relaxing specific muscle groups.
relationship-focused coping
A behavioural response to stress that is intended to manage or maintain social relationships, such as by trying to bolster a spouse’s emotional needs.
stress-inoculation training
A cognitive–behavioural approach for stress management that teaches people a variety of skills for alleviating stress and achieving personal goals.
stress management
Behavioural and cognitive methods to reduce psychological and physical strain from stress.
systematic desensitization
A classical conditioning technique for reducing fear or anxiety by replacing it with a calm response.
time management
Methods for managing stress that involve organizing one’s time.