Chapter 5 - Command Flashcards
Developing the ability to command a residential fire starts when
When you join the fire service and possibly much earlier. (67)
What has a direct impact on our ability to command?
Life experiences in the way we were raised. (67)
Command is not a title based on rank it’s a
Fire ground position that can be almost any member at any time. (67)
What does every fire scene need?
Someone in command. (67)
Every time we enter a building in our district
We are and should be learning. (68)
We need to make every call an opportunity to what
Learn something about the building. (68)
As we enter different homes we are learning what
Sleeping areas,
Travel patterns,
Locations of functional areas
Command should be clearly identified through what
Proper radio procedures and identification. (69)
When there is a change in command it should be clearly communicated when?
After the formal transfer of command occurs. (69)
At every incident someone must be in command who is
Not involved with hands-on tasks. (69) TQ - FAO
There is even a stronger argument for an incident command position when
There are two few firefighters to commence operations. (69)
Those in or aspiring to be in command positions must be students of what? (4)
The fire service
Their department
Their district
Their local and surrounding resources. (69)
When does command start?
In the firehouse during the day-to-day operations. (69)
Wrong decisions are nothing more than what
An opportunity to learn. (70)
As the commander you make ____ the decisions
All. (70)
A careful plan or method for achieving a particular goal usually over a long period of time
Strategy. (70)
The art or skill of employing available means to accomplish an end.
Tactics. (70)
Strategies are your what
Overall goals. (71)
What are the key inputs for strategy?
Life safety
Incident stabilization
Property conservation
In many departments where will you see the differences?
The tactics. (71)
Once your strategy is defined you need to then?
Formulate a plan to accomplish the strategic objectives. (71)
Once the commanding officer has determined the strategy he must begin to do what?
Analyze the incident to determine the tactics. (71)
Each and every fire should be considered what until proven otherwise?
Modern contents. (71)
What is the most widely accepted and utilized memory aid for size up?
The important piece of the prefire plan is that it
Exists and the information is available to all responding companies. (73)
Who is a huge ally in any fire incident?
The fire dispatcher. (73)
Size up is done how many times?
Size up is not done once and only once. (73)
Who performs size up?
Every arriving member. (73)
What type of size up should all members perform?
General incident size up and then a tactic focused based on their assignment. (73)
The incident commander size up must be a continual what
Evaluation of the incident. (74)
What must be closely monitored for how they are affecting the incident?
Tactics. (74)
To determine where the fire is moving and its intensity it’s critical to do what?
Read the smoke. (74)
What will help you determine where the fire is traveling to and how quickly it will get there?
Your analysis of the smoke and identifying flow paths. (74)
This knowledge allows the incident commander to stay a few steps ahead of the fire
Intimate knowledge of building construction,
Occupancy type,
Building layout. (74)
What gives the incident commander a clear understanding of the situation at hand?
The size of the fire coupled with the location and intensity. (75)
What will have a significant impact on fire behavior?
The style, construction method, and materials used. (76)
If the linings have good insulation properties then the heat energy is
Less likely to be conducted through the walls and ceiling. (76)
What adds to the ability for a room to become oxygen starved?
A modern window with double or triple pane glass. (76)
What are two of the critical indicators of fire behavior.?
Smoke conditions and the pattern of smoke and air movement. (76)
As the fire develops the neutral plane will
Lower and the thickness of smoke gases will increase. (77)
A high neutral plane could indicate
Fire is in the preliminary stages of development. (77)
A very low neutral plane could indicate
Fires on the floor below or there could be a wind condition opposite the entry. (77)
A sudden rise of the neutral plane could indicate
Ventilation has occurred. (77)
Gradual lowering of the neutral plane indicates
Build up in fire gases. (77)
A sudden lowering in the neutral plane could indicate
Rapid intensification of the fire. (77)
Dark smoke indicates what type of conditions.
Rich. (77)
Lighter colored smoke is produced when
The solid fuel is heated to pyrolization temperature. (77)
Radiant heat in the fire compartment and heat transfer to neighboring compartments can cause
The pyrolysis of linings and adjacent combustibles. (77)
What can result in an unexpectedly powerful ignition
The introduction of flames to accumulated smoke. (77)
What is a precursor to flash over.
Pyrolysis. (77)
What indicates that at least some smoldering combustion or flaming combustion is present
Gray smoke. (78)
What are not always reliable indicators of the location, size, or stage of development
The visible smoke, volume, and location. (78)
Smoking rapidly expanding upward and rolling indicates gases are at what temperature
Higher. (78)
Smoke forced out under pressure usually indicates
The exit point is closed to the fire source. (78)
What is the flow of air towards the base of the fire and the movement of the heated combustion products up and out of the compartment
AirTrack. (78)
What could indicate rapid fire progression?
A total and sudden inward movement of the air track. (78)
Smoker flame being discharged from the entire height of ventilation openings usually indicates
That it’s an outlet and that the ventilation inlet is in another part of the structure. (78)
A slow air/smoke interface could indicate the fire is most likely
Fuel controlled. (79)
If the air track is fast and turbulent this could indicate a working fire is in the what phase
Ventilation controlled. (79)
What does smoke scene pushing out of small openings indicate?
Variations in pressure from a limited air supply. (79)
What is a classic indicator of backdraft?
Whistling sounds. (79)
Blackening indicates what type of conditions?
Rich. (79)
The evaporation of a water film applied across a door surface will occur at temperatures as low as
212°F. (80)
Blistering or discoloration of paint work can easily be seen on what type of doors?
Lightweight internal. (80)
The incident Commander should be able to make a throw size up and begin tactical decisions without the use of what
Checklists. (82)
In choosing your fire attack mode the goal is what
To flow water on the fire the quickest way possible. (84)
What is the goal of the operational mode?
To mitigate the incident as quickly as possible and have the greatest positive impact on the life safety of the civilians and firefighters. (84)
A defensive operation is established when (3)
The fire has extended beyond the control of responding resources
When the fire exceeds the available GPM
When the structure has deteriorated to the point that it is not safe for entry. (85)
How is defensive mode established?
Placing all companies outside the collapse zone and flowing water through master streams. (85)
What assumption does offensive mode make?
There are sufficient resources on scene to initiate an interior attack. (85)
What mode places the greatest threat on the firefighters life?
Offensive attack. (85)
What is the goal of the offensive attack?
To get sufficient water flowing onto the fire as soon as possible to obtain extinguishment. (85)
Meeting what NFPA standards provides the safest environment for firefighters to perform their critical job functions?
1710 & 1720
What type of mode is transitional mode?
Offensive. (85)
What is the goal of transitional mode?
Reduce the energy and flash over potential. (86)
What is one of the hardest pieces for a commander to manage?
Appropriately assigning tasks to the members who are on scene. (86)
Command officers must learn early on to delegate assignments based on what type of model
Priority decision-making. (86)
NIMS States span of control is
One supervisor can supervise three to seven subordinates and functions optimally with five. (86)
When should proactive fire ground commanders call for additional resources
Immediately while responding, even before anyone arrives. (86)
According to NIOSH what is the contributing cause of line of duty deaths?
Ineffective communication. (87)
What discipline is a must for every member on an incident
Radio discipline. (87)
What is your lifeline?
Portable radio. (87)
How is control of the fire ground and radio communications best accomplished?
Proper training and education before the incident. (87)
What should be reported in the windshield size up?
Who you are,
Where you are,
What you have,
What you need. (87)
What piece of the initial report will define the incident.
What you need. (88)
When should a more detailed report occur?
Following the initial report within the first few minutes or as soon as the 360 is complete. (88)
What phrase should be removed from your vernacular?
Nothing showing. (88)
What may not allow to smoke in gases to be visible from the exterior?
Contraction of gases. (88)
What report will help define your expectations to your crew?
Companies operating should initiate a c.a.n report when?
Needed and NOT eliminated to a change of conditions, victims founds mayday or other situations. (89)
What piece of information does a command officer expect from his crew with every transmission?
The crew’s location within the building. (89)
Department should have knowledge of who is on scene and where they are operating through what?
Pre-established accountability policies and procedures. (89)
When should PARs be conducted?
Regular intervals
Anytime operational modes change
If a mayday occurs (89)
Who is it up to to use radio discipline
Every firefighter. (90)
What is critical to know for your company safety?
How long your companies are working in an IDLH environment (90)
NFPA 1500 indicates the dispatch center shall notify the IC at what increment?
Every 10 minutes until the fire is knocked down or the incident becomes static. (91)
The bottle rule states the average firefighter will work for how many minutes before needing a new bottle.
20 min. (91)
What is the ideal location to monitor and provide info on how long crews have been operating?
Dispatch center. (91)
On scene rehab is the responsibility of who?
The incident commander. (91)
What is an effective method of ensuring the safety of all who enter to work within the incident?
Appropriate lockout/tagout system. (92)
When controlling the electrical circuits shut down only
The main breaker. (92)
What is the least desired but one of the most important tasks on the fire ground after the other tasks are complete?
Overhaul. (92)
An SCBA with mask in place must be utilized until the environment is deemed safe through what
Air monitoring equipment. (92)
Nothing should be removed from the home without consulting with
The fire investigators. (93)
What is one of the most important yet underutilized positions in the department?
PIO (94)
Every fire should have a thorough and complete investigation performed by who
A representative from the fire marshal’s office. (94)
When does the true investigation begin?
After the suppression cruise complete all of their tasks and leave the scene. (94)
The incident commander should approach every fire with what in mind?
The investigation. (94)
Often the investigation performed for every fire will begin
During the suppression activities. (94)
What is the key to assisting the investigation?
Overhaul only what is necessary. (95)
Before leaving the scene and turning the incident over to the investigator make sure
Extinguishment is complete. (95)
What is key information the investigator will need?
Your size up and tactics. (95)
At the conclusion of every fire, what is a great way to briefly review the incident?
Completing a tail board review of the incident before companies are placed back in service. (96)
When is the culture of safety taught and fostered?
During training, not on the fire ground. (96)
Whose primary FOCUS is the overall incident safety at every fire?
ISO. (97)
Dispatchers can only provide information that you
Outline you want to know
What is the velocity of smoke discharge?
Observation of the effect of heat on the air track. (79)