Chapter 5(Branding the Talent Pool: Recruitment and Careers) Flashcards
9-box grid
A comparative diagram that includes appraisal and assessment data to allow managers to easily see an employee’s actual and potential performance
applicant tracking system (ATS)
A software application recruiters use to post job openings, screen résumés, contact potential candidates for interviews via email, and track the time and costs related to hiring people
A company’s efforts to help existing and prospective workers understand why it is a desirable place to work
career counselling
The process of discussing with employees their current job activities and performance, personal and career interests and goals, personal skills, and suitable career development objectives
career networking
The process of establishing mutually beneficial relationships with other businesspeople, including potential clients and customers
career paths
Lines of advancement in an occupational field within an organization
career plateau
A situation in which, for either organizational or personal reasons, the probability of moving up the career ladder is low
employee leasing
The process of dismissing employees who are then hired by a leasing company (which handles all Hrrelated activities) and contracting with that company to lease back the employees
employee profile
A profile of a worker developed by studying an organization’s top performers to recruit similar types of people
fast-track program
A program that encourages new managers with high potential to remain with an organization by enabling them to advance more rapidly than those with less potential
global sourcing
The business practice of searching for and utilizing goods and services from around the world
internal labour market
Labour market in which workers are hired into entry-level jobs and higher levels are filled from within
job progressions
The hierarchy of jobs a new employee might experience, ranging from a starting job to jobs that successively require more knowledge and/or skill
Individuals who coach, advise, and encourage individuals of lesser rank
A preference for hiring relatives of current employees
outplacement services
Services provided by organizations to help terminated employees find a new job
passive job seekers
People who are not looking for jobs but could be persuaded to take new ones given the right opportunity
A change of assignment to a job at a higher level in the organization,
realistic job preview (RJP)
Informing applicants about all aspects of the job, including both its desirable and undesirable facets
recruiting process outsourcing (RPO)
The practice of outsourcing an organization’s recruiting function to an outside firm
relocation services
Services provided to an employee who is transferred to a new location, which might include help in moving, selling a home, orienting to a new culture, and/or learning a new language
The process of keeping track of and maintaining relationships with former employees to see if they would be willing to return to the firm
An extended period of time in which an employee leaves an organization to pursue other activities and later returns to his or her job
time-to-fill metric
The number of days from when a job opening is approved to the date the candidate is selected
Placement of an individual in another job for which the duties, responsibilities, status, and remuneration are approximately equal to those of the previous job
yield ratio
The percentage of applicants from a recruitment source that make it to the next stage of the selection process