Chapter 5- Adlerian Therapy Flashcards
Inferiority Feelings
Can be the wellspring of of creativity. They motivate us to strive for mastery, success, and completion
Client’s subjective frame of reference. Also includes the individual’s perceptions, thoughts, feelings, values, beliefs, convictions, and conclusions
Individual Psychology
Means indivisible psychology. Adler emphasized the unity and indivisibility of the person and stressed understanding the whole person in the context of his or her life.
Holistic Concept
Implies that we cannot be understood in parts; rather all aspects of ourselves must be understood in relationship to socially embedded contexts of family, culture, school, and work.
Fictional Finalism
Refers to an imagined life goal that guides a person’s behavior. Adler replaced and used the term “guiding self-idea”.
Often described as our perceptions regarding self, others, and world, includes the connecting themes and rules of interaction that give meaning to our actions.
Social interest***
Contributing in a meaningful way. Referring to an individual’s attitude toward awareness of being part of human community
Community feeling
Embodies the feeling of being connected to all of humanity-past, present, and future- and to being involved in making the world a better place
Birth order
Increases an individual’s probability of having a certain set of experiences.
Family Constellation
Parents, siblings, and others living in the home, life tasks, and early recollections. Including the client’s evaluation of conditions that prevailed in the family when the person was a young child.
Early Recollections
“Stories of events that a person says occurred before he or she was 10 years old.” They are specific incidents that clients recall, along with feelings and thoughts that accompanied these childhood incidents.
Lifestyle Assessment
The process of gathering early memories-learning to understand the goals and motivations of the clients
Private logic**
Concepts about self, others, and life that constitutes the philosophy on which an individual’s lifestyle is based. Often involves convictions and beliefs that get in the way of social interest and that do no facilitate useful, constructive belonging.
Subjective Interview
Counselor helps the client tell his/her life story as completely as possible.
Objective Interview
Seeks to discover information about how problems in the client’s life began, any precipitating events, a medical history, social history, the reasons the client chose therapy at this time, the person’s coping with life tasks and a lifestyle assessment.
Adlerian Therapeutic Techniques and Procedures
Establish the Relationship
***Assessing the Individual’s Psychological Dynamics
Encourage Self-Understanding and Insight
Reorientation and Reeducation
Life Task
The Question**
How would your life be different and what would you be doing differently, if you did not have this symptom/problem?
Process of increasing the courage needed for a person to face difficulties in life.