Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is neighbourhood processing?
To calculate an output pixel value, the input pixel and it’s neighbours are used.
Name important neighbourhood rank filters:
1) the median filter
2) the minimum filter
3) the maximum filter
4) difference between min and max
What is correlation?
A type of filter (in this case called a kernel) that is applied to every pixel, and the kernel has weights.
What is a gaussian kernel?
A kernel with weights derived from gaussian distribution - most weight on the pixels close to the center.
What is template matching?
An application of correlation. The kernel defines an object we are looking for - called a template. Each pixel in the new picture has a value that corresponds to how well the original picture mathes the template. One problem is that it tends to create bias for bright areas.
How is template matching bright spot problems circumvented?
By normalization. Think of the template and image patch as represented by vectors in n (number of pixels in template) dimensional space. This can be normalized (see notes)
What is the normalized cross correlation?
NCC = correlation / ( length template * length image patch)
What is a picture gradient?
The change in pixel values between pixels - one in the x-x direction and one in the x-y direction. These together spand the gradient plane.
How to calculate picture gradients:
By applying filters:
1) prewitt (-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,1,1) either horizontal or vertical.
2) sobel (-1,-2,-1,0,0,0,1,2,1)