Chapter 12: Flashcards
What is the purpose of a Hough transform?
Made to detect image lines.
What is a normal parameterization of a line?
Instead of a line being defined by slope and interecpt, it can be defined by each point having a distance and angle from the origo:
xcos(Ø)+ysin(Ø) = rho
Rho is distance.
What is the maximum distance from origo to pixel?
R = 0.5 * sqrt(W^2 + H^2)
What is the hough space?
A line can be represented just by an angle and a distance. The Hough space is a two dimensional coordinate system with these two as parameters.
What is a hough transform?
For every point in a picture, every line with different Ø and rho is generated. The corrseponding sinusoidial lines are genrated. Interesects are points that share a common line.
What is Djikstras algorhytm?
Based on dynamic programming. An algorhytm that finds the path with the least cost in an image.