Chapter 1 Flashcards
Different kinds of image processing:
1) Image compression
2) Image manipulation - e.g. editing
3) Image processing
4) Image analysis
5) Machine Vision
6) Computer visison
What is Image acquisition?
Describe how a camera works and how a camera converts lightinto image
What is image storage?
Describes how digital images are stored and compressed
What is Point processing?
Image manipulation methods for undertsnading and improving images by looking at individual pixels.
What is neighbourhood processing?
Image processing for segmentation (splitting pictures up in different segments) and enhancement of picture features.
What is morphology?
Segmentation and enhancement like neighbourhood processing but for binary images.
What is BLOB analysis?
How to detect, describe and recognize objects inb an image
What is Color images?
representing color images and color image segmentation
What is Pixel classification?
Describing which class of object a certain pixel in a picture belongs to
What is Geometric transformation?
A type of image manipulation that changes image geometry
What is Registration?
Alligning to pictures to be as similar as possible
What is Line and path detectionh?
APproaches to detect lines and patterns.