Chapter 5 Flashcards
What incidents are categorized as major accidents?
Incidents involving hazardous material, aircraft, ammunition, explosives, transportation, facility emergencies and industrial accidents
AFMAN _______ defines a major accident as one involving DoD material or DoD activities, and warranting response by the installation Disaster Response Forces (DRF).
AFMAN 10-2502
A Major accident involves one or more of what six factors?
- Hazardous substances such as radioactive materials, Toxic Industrial Materials and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Weapons.
- Explosives
- Class A Mishaps
- Extensive Property Damage
- Grave risk of injury or death to installation personnel or the public
- Adverse public reaction
Which military operation will respond to a major accident, unless others directed by the MAJCOM or the Air Force Operations Center?
The military installation nearest to the scene (regardless of size, known as the initial-response base
After alerting others in the immediate area and reporting a major accident, what should witnesses to an accident do?
- Stay uphill and upwind
- Avoid inhaling fumes, smoke or vapors
- Attempt to rescue and care for casualties
- Avoid handling Andy material or component involved in the accident
- evacuated the area if rescue or containment is impractical or if directed to evacuate
What must installations be prepared to do during naturlal disasters or severe weather?
Adequately warn and notify personnel, as well as implement protective measures and recovery operations
In what ways do emergency conditions created by natural disasters and severe weather vary widely?
In scope, urgency and extent of damage
The installation commander will provide ememrceny response and recovery operations during natural disasters. Give some examples of natural disasters.
Severe weather events, tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, volcanoes, an disease outbreaks
What actions should you take when a natural disaster or an incident affecting the base ins imminent or in progress?
Listen for a 3-5 minute steady or wavering siren, keep the radio or television on and listen for instructions from local authorities and weather updates and use the telephone only for emergencys
What does a 3-5 minute steady tone on the siren indicate? What actions are required upon hearing it?
A disaster/incident is imminent or in progress. Be alert and follow instructions to take cover or evacuate. The senior ranking person must conduct personnel accountability
What does a 3-5 minute wavering ton on the siren indicate? What actions are required upon hearing it?
An attack/hostile act is imminent or in progress. Be alert, ensure all personnel are warned, implement appropriate security measures and follow instructions to take cover or evacuate. The senior ranking person must conduct personnel accountability
What is indicated if you hear “Lockdown” and a location repeated three times? What should you do in response?
An active shooter incident is in progress. Remain calm and implement lockdown procedures based on your location
How is the alarm signal “all Clear” signaled? What does it mean?
A voice announcement. The immediate disaster threat has ended or the attack is over.
What should personnel do once the alarm signal “all clear” has been signaled?
Remain alert for secondary hazards, account for all personnel and report injuries, hazards and damage
During wartime or combat operations, passive defense actions are initiated according AFMAN 10-2503, CBERNE manual as the installation commander directs. True or False?
Each installation must develop plans and policies for responding to natural and technological disasters. True or False?
What is the vehicle for installation preparation and response to natural and technological disasters?
The Installation Emergency Management Plan (IEMP)
What publication provides more information on response procedures for natural disasters and amor incidents?
AFMAN 10-2502
All installations should address shelter planning in case a natural disaster occurs. True or False?
When it comes to sheltering personnel in the event of natural disaster, when may shelter in place procedures be required?
In the event of a natural disaster, when the type or extent of the hazard is unkonw or when evacuation would be dangerous
Installation Emergency Management Plan (IEMP) staff will direct personnel to an installation shelter following a natural disaster. True or False?
False (personnel need to know their shelter location and procedures)
What publication provides more infoamrtoin on shelter planning in the event of a natural disaster?
Air Force Manual 10-2502
What are the three steps you can take to prepare for and cope with natural disasters?
- Take time to think then act according to the situation
- Prepare ahead
- Develop emergency plans to reduce injury, loss of life and property damage
Who should you contact for guidance on preparing for a natural disaster?
The installation readiness and emergency management flight or visits the air Forde Be Ready Websit as well as the Air Force Portal
What are the four outcomes of chemical attack?
- Achieves Surprise
- Can cause mass casualties that hinder the momentum of operations
- Disrupts command control and communications
- Degrades ware fighting potential
What CBRN threats can cause lethal, disabling, contagious or noncontagious casualties?
Biological Threats
Nuclear threats within any theater of war only involve the change of strategic nuclear weapons. True or False
False (they can exist without it
Widlely available toxic industrial materials (TIM) are potential tools for ______ attacks against are bases
Convetional attack threats only exist where threats of CBRNE attack exist. True or False?
Give examples of conventional weapons.
Rockets, mortars, missiles and bombs
The first few moments of a conventional attack often determine your survival. What is the movst effective individual protection Equipment for a conventional attack?
The helmet and personal body armor
What are the three phases of attack?
`1. Attack Preparation
- Attack Response
- Attack recovery
What is the focus of each of the three phases of attack?
- Attack preparation begins fear a potential attack
- Attack response actions focus primarily on individual and weapons system survival
- Attack recovery actions save lives, detect and mirage hazards and restore and sustain the mission
What does the installations Command and Control do during an attack?
It implements operational plans and priorities, controls and monitors mission generation copabiliteis, and ensures installation survivability in conjunction with the Emergency Operations Center and Unit Control Centers
At what point do attack preparation actions begin?
Upon receiving the warning order or when in-place forces are directed to transition to wartime operations
How do commanders recall people to their duty locations during the attack preparation phase?
With a recall roster (Pyramid alerting system)
What must personnel know to take protrude actions in response to the base warning signals in al phases of attack?
The alarm color coeds, audible signals and or supplemental informations
At what levels and during what attack conditions ar contamination avoidance measures employed?
At all levels and during all attack conditions
Commanders implement threat specific _____ in the attack preparation phase.
Mission Oriented Protective Postures (MOPP)
I/nstallations establish a network of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Rapid agent detectors in the attack preparation phase,. Where are they placed?
A variety of detection equipment is strategically placed throughout the installation
Why are air base sectors and zones determined for passive defense?
For rapid Reconnaissance
Alarm condition green exists if you hear a voice announce allarm green or see a green flag transition sign. What does it indicate wand what general actions should be taken?
Attack is not probable. General actions include MOOOP 0 or as directed., normal wartime conditions, resuming operations and continuing recovery actions
Alarm condition yellow exists if you hear a voice announce alarm yellow or see a yellow flag/transition sign. What does it indicate and what gernarl actions should be taken?
attack is probable in fewer then 30 min. General actions include MOPP 2 or as directed, protecting and covering assets, and going to protective shelters or seeing overhead cover
Alarm condition red exists if you hear a voice announce alarm read hear a wavering ton on the siren or see a red flag/transition sign. What does it indicate and what general actions should be taken?
Air attack is imminent or in progress. General actions include seeking immediate protection with overhead cover, MOPP 4 or as directed and reporting observed attacks
Alarm condition red Isis’s if you hear a voice announce gourd attack, hear the bugle call to arms, or see a reed flag/transition sign. What does it indicate and what general actions should be taken?
Attack by gourd forces is imminent or in progress. General actions include taking immediate cover, MOPP 4 or as directed, defending self and position and reporting activity.
Alarm condition black exists if you hear a voice announce alarm back, hear a steady tone on the siren or see a black flag/transition sign. What does it indicated and what general actions should be taken?
Attack is over and CBRN contamination and or UXO hazards are suspected or present. General action include MOPP 4 or as directed, performing self aid or buddy care and remaining under overhead cover or within shelter until directed otherwise.
When do attack response actions occur?
Immediately before and during an emey attack
Why do installation commanders declare alarm conditions during attacks
to initati passive defense actions in wartime
Are MOPP levels used in conjunction with alarm conditions true or false
What is the difference between alarm conitions and mission oriented proteive posture levels
Alarm conditions intiate or lmit invidiual and aire base wide movement and action while MOPP levels let people know wha tto wear for minimum protection
What must you remember regarding CBRNE recanacsece and why
Every amn is a dector, there are not enough dedicacted CBRN peronall to accomplish all the reconnosense
Who will disseminate assessment of hazard areas, uxos casualty damage and report to higher headquarters after attack
Emergency Operations Center (EOC)
What should you do during or after an attack to lmit the spread of chmical biolgocial contamination if movements is required
Use appropriate contamination control procedurs as directed by the EOC
What is the most effective method of chmical agent decontamination fromt he skin
The reactive skin decon lotion RSDL and the M295 decon kit
What must you use for decon if you don’t have any kits
5% chlorine for equipment and .5% for skin
What kind of approach is required for seuccessful base recovery efforts after an attack
A coordinated and integrated approach
Use what Mopp level during periods of increased alert when CBRNE exists but there is no indication of immediate future use
Mopp Ready
When must you use mop level 1
During periods of increased alert when a CBRNE attack could occur with little or no warning
When must you use mop level 2
During attack prep or recovery, when CBRNE attack could accur with little or no warning, when the commander deems necessary, when personnel are crossing or operating in previously contaminated areas and resp protection is not required.
When must you use mop level 3
During attack prep or recovery, when CBRNE attack could occur with little or no warning, when comannder says so, and when contamination is presnt and hasrd is negligible contact or percutaneous vapor hazard
When must you use mop level 4
During attack recovery, when CBRNE attack is imminent or in progress, when CBRN contaminatin is present or suspted, and when the max invidual protis to personal is needed
What information does AFI 10-2501 Contain? AFMAN 10-2503?
AFI 10-2501 Air Force Emergency Management details the components and basis of issue for IPE. AFMAN 1-2503 ATSO in CBRN environment and includes MOP postures and alarm conditions and SOPS to optimize their use
What kind of forces are required to defend agains chemical biological radiological and nuclear attack andsustain operation in cbrn enviornement?
Knowledeable and peroperly traned and equipped forces throughout the theater of oerations
what are three examples of CBRN passive Defense actions
- Detecting and Identifying CBRN Agents
- Individual and collective protection equipment
- Medical Response
- Vaccines for chemical and biological agents
- CBRN decon capability
What are CBRN Passive defense elements
- Contamination avoidance
- Control
- Protection
What is the purpose of contamination avoidance in a CBRN Environment
Prevent contamination to mission essential resources and personnel
List Common CBRN contamination avoidance measures
1 Covering and limiting entry to facilities
2. Detecting and identifying
When CBRN contamination connate be avoided what provides forces with survival measures necessary for operations
How is protection provided in a CBRNE environment
Through individual protection, collective protection and hardening
Collective protection and hardening provide protection against multiple CBRNE Threats, true or false
False, they are threat specific
What measures comprise individual protection in a CNBRE environment
IPE, vaccinations and prophylaxis, protective shelters, evacuation, relocation, exposure control , contamination control and warning and notification systems
What determines which protection measures are taken in a CNBR environment
The urgency and nature of the threat
What directs the proper individual protect postures in a CBRNE environment?
Command and theater specific instructions
What is the best immediate protective equipment against chemical agents, regardless of the type of agent , concentration or method of attack
the Ground Crew Ensemble (GCE , chem gear)
What is the ground crew ensample (GCE)
A whole body system that defense the wearer against chemical biological warfare agents, toxins and radiological particulates
What components comprise individuals protection such as the GCE
A protective mask with filters, over garments, protective gloves and foo0twear covers or overboots It also includes M8 and M9 detector paper, RSDL and M295 decon kits
Who issues never agent antidotes, pretreatment and P tab during increased readiness
Medical representatives
What actions do you take if exposure to nerve agents is possible
Take the issued nerve agent antidotes and pretreatments when directed by the commander
What are the benefits of collective protection in attack situations
It provides res and relive
work relief
and protection of logistics storage areas
What is the purpose of collective protection and conventional hardening measures in a CBRN environment
To further enhance survival, limit attack damage and contamination and support mission sustainment
List three ways to expediently protect facilities in a CBRN environment
Sandbags, salvaged culverts and steel drums filled with earth
What passive defines attack actions do personnel not agented by an attack take
Continue mission operations and remain vigilant within their sector
What two factors greatly limit terrorist attack operations, compelling more terrorist groups to use asymmetric measures to accomplish their goals
The absence of other dominating global powers and the overwhelming capability of the US armed forces
Why is CBRNE terrorist threat planning and response a high priority
Because AF personnel , equipment and facilities are highly visible targets for terrorist attacks at home and abroad
What is responsible for the protection of installation personnel, facilities, and resources
The installation commander
Protective measures are taken in stages equal to the urgency and nature of the threat. These measures include evacuation and exposure control. Name several other protective measures.
Relocation, contamination control, a warning and notification, and sheltering in place