Chapter 5 Flashcards
a culture’s assumptions about the differences between men and women
how we make sense of ourselves
identifying against
one of the most powerful ways to construct an identity; where we define the “other” and then define ourselves
the product of ways of viewing minor genetics differences that developed as modern humans spread around the globe
sense of superiority attached to race
residential segregation
the degree to which two or more groups live separately from each other
invasion and succession
process in which new immigrants move to a new city and dominate/take over areas that were previously inhabited by other ethnic groups
sense of place
a state of mind created after a person “infuses” a place with emotions and perceptions
an idea that stems from the thought that people are closed bonded/related in a certain place over time
social relations stretched out
particular articulations of those “stretched out social relations” as they have come together, over time
places/items that are seen as being appropriate for men or women exclusively
dowry deaths
a cause of deaths in India when disputes over the dowry of the bride have led to the death of the bride
queer theory
a theory that highlights the contextual nature of opposition to the heteronormative and focuses on the political engagement of queers with the heteronormative
a term that describes the ethnic succession of a primarily white neighborhood to primarily Hispanic
What is one of the clearest ways that society is gendered?
divisions of labor
Describe identities.
- constantly changing
- experiences, emotions, rejections
What are racial categories based on?
how particular cultures viewed skin color
Why were racial categories constructed?
to justify power, economic exploitation, and cultural oppression
Is race or ethnicity chosen or assigned?
Race- assigned
Ethnicity- chosen
Who analyzes residential segregation and where is it analyzed?
The US Census bureau analyzes residential segregation in residential areas
Where is the most and least segregated for African Americans?
- Most Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Detroit MI
- Least Orange County, and SanJose, CA
Where is the most and least segregated for American Indians?
- Most Pheonix AZ
- Least Oklahoma City
Where is the most and least segregated for Asians?
Most- NYC and LA
Least- Baltimore and Naussau-Suffolk NY
How can identities be organized?
nested inside one another
When are conflicts called ethnic conflicts?
when a racial distinction cannot be easily made
What are power relationships?
assumptions and structures about who is in control