Chapter 5 Flashcards
What is recruitment and selection?
Recruitment: The process of finding and attracting capable applicants to apply for employment and accept job offers that are extended to them. (includes all activities by an organization that affect an applicants decision to apply and accept a position intentional or unintentional)
Selection: The identification of candidates from a pool of recruits who best meet job requirements, using tools such as application blanks, tests, and interviews.
True or false: recruiting is a two way street
True, It is a matching process between firms with jobs and individuals seeking jobs.
Organizations want qualifies individuals and individuals want to know what it is like to work for the organization.
What are the steps in the recrutment process?
1) Identify # of job openings
2) Review job specifications
3) Examine the desired characteristics of recruits
4) Determine recruitment methods
5) Obtain pool of recruits
6) Maintain applicant interest during selection
7) Persuade chosen candidates to accept the job
How does recruitment have an impact on strategic sucess?
strategic importance of recrutment
- Gain competitive advantage with qualified, skilled and motivated workers
- Getting benefits from having a diverse workforce (greater choice of applicants and greater flexability and capabilities of employees)
- Focousing on employee development to benefit from known skills and motivation. (there are advantages and disadvantages to both recruiting internally and externally)
- Investing resources into recruitment and while lowering recrutment costs (costs of a bad hire, training etc. )
What are the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting internally?
- Familiar with the organization
- “Known”, fit with the organization as well as past performance as an indicator of future success
- Morale & motivation
- Internal competition can reduce cooperation
- No “new blood” preventing creative solutions
- Poor morale (possible turnover) of employees not promoted
What are the advantages and disadvantages of recruiting externally?
- Able to acquire skills and knowledge that may not be available within
-Newer ideas and novel ways of solving problems may emerge
- May not fit in
- Take longer to learn about the organization
- Usually more expensive
- Lowered morale and motivation of current employees
What are some recruitment constraints?
8 different factors discussed in text
- Oragnizational Policies (have imploicatiosn for recruiting 4 policies)
- Human resource palns (what jobs should be filled internally and externally?)
- Diversity and employment equity programs
- Recruiter Habits (Ex: unconscious bias)
- Environmental Conditions (Changes in the labour market. 3 fast changing measures: leading economic indicators, predicted vs actual sales and employment stats.)
- Job requirements (ex: specilized work requires more skilled workers)
- Costs (operating within a budget)
- Inducements (incentives to work for the company)
What are the four organizational policies that create recruitment constraints?
1) Promote from within policies: formulated to give present employees opportunity and facilitate growth impacting how recruting is conducted
2) Compensation policies: pay ranges, minimum wages, and compensation to current staff
3) Employment status: Ex: no part time, temp, contract workes or second jobs “moonlighting”
4) International hiring policies: weather to hire a international or domestic person for the position
What are the 3 fast-changing measures that recruiters can check to be sure that the recruitment plan’s assumptions remain valid after being finanlized?
(Ensure the recruitment plan hasn’t changed due to the economy)
1) leading economic indicators (future course of the economy)
2) Predicted vs actual sales may be different causing HR plans based on sales also to be inaccurate
3) Employment stats: state of employment in different industries, employers can monitor competition
What are the two things a applicant should submit when applying for a job?
- Submit a resume (ATS or applicant tracking system is used or electronic resume sorting)
- Submit a job application form: A company’s form that is completed by a job applicant, indicating the applicant’s contact information/ personal data, education and skills, prior employment/ employment status, work history, references, special skills, and other details pertaining to the position and signature. (makes information comparable and highlights gaps in education/prior employment)
What are some methods of recruitment? What are some examples of those methods?
Many different opions (16)
- Direct inquiries (cold calls/showing up)
- Employee Referrals (employees know others with the same skills but tends to maintain status quo and may lack diversity)
- Advertising (can lead to many people who are unqualified applying also cost can vary EX: tv ad vs transit station add)
- Digital Recruiting (one of the most important tools: cost effective, always accessable and time spent is minimal)
- Social Media (Ex: Facebook, LinkedIn)
- Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC Federal department that provides programs and services for employers and potential employees Ex: Job Bank and Jobs & the Workplace)
- Private Employment Agencies (find capable applicants useful for quick employee pools)
- Professional Search Firms (Specialized, activly seek people from other companies “headhunters”)
- Educational Institutions (entry level positions, internship/ co-op)
- Professional Associations & Labour Organizations (higher quality applicants and specific skills)
- Canadian Armed Forces (trains in almost every profession)
- Temporary-Help Agencies (employees on loan, recruted to become perminant)
- Departing and Past Employees (boomerang employees or buybacks; outbidding other salary)
- Job Fairs
- Contract Workers (specific task completion)
- Recruitment Abroad (looking abroad to find skilled employees)
What are some advantages and disadvantages of advertising jobs?
- Reaches wider audience
- Blind adds that dont identify the employer
- Can be produced using various media
- Layout, design, and copy of an advertisement should reflect the image and character of the company
- Common, effective method of seeking recruits
- Delivering realistic ads can be benifical
- Many my not be qualified for the position
- Can be expensive depending on how you adveertise (brochures vs tv ads)
- must consider how to best get the add to the target individuals
- Cost is determined by the size of the advertisement, modality, and location and distribution
What are the advantages and disadvantages of recruting digitally?
- cost effect and available 24/7
- Several ways to post jobs
- virtual office tours and other ways to involve applicants, showcase job and attractive
- Use hyperlinks/ eye tracking to get information on effectivness
- Expanded to social media (Linkedin, YouTube)
- AI can be bias
- Language differences
- Information on social media about potential employees may not be accurate.
- Social media may influence how people view the organization
What are the steps to choose the approprate method for sourcing applicants? (6 steps)
1) How many recruits are needed? small or big?
2) What is the skill level required? professional needed?
3) What sources are available in that industry/geography Ex; not all sources available everywhere
4) What has worked in the past? Ex: data from past ads
5) How much is the budget? what can we afford
6) Are there labour agreements rely in place that specify recruitment options? Ex: external or internal?
What are some of the recruitment activities that the organization sould evaluate periodically?
- Cost per Hire: The dollar cost per person hired (Direct costs and OH)
- Quality of Hires and Cost: Quality of people hired from various sources
- Offers / Applicants Ratio: Ratio between the number of job offers and total applicants for each recruitment method
- Time Lapsed per Hire: Time taken to fill a position