Chapter 5 Flashcards
American & English courts follow the?
adversarial system of justice
Procedural Rules
significant impact on person’s ability to pursue a legal claim.
Federal Rules of Civil Procedures (FRCP)
All civil trials held in federal courts are governed by the FRCP
Rules controlling procedural matters in civil trials brought before the federal district courts.
Stages of Litigation
Typical Lawsuit Stages
Accident, Breach of contract or other event
Party hires a lawyer, who files a complaint and notifies (serves) the defendant.
Defendant’s attorney files an answer or a motion to dismiss
Pre-trial discovery, motions, pre-trial conference
Trial and post-trial motions and/or an appeal.
Types of Attorney Fees
Fixed fees- charged for a specific performance
Hourly Fees- charged for matters that will involve indeterminate period of time. Cannot be precisely estimated in advance
Contingency fees- fixed as percentage (33 percent) of a client’s recovery in certain types of lawsuit. If unsuccessful, nothing although client will have to reimburse for out of pocket costs incurred.
Compliant and Answer
Contains statements or allegations concerning the following
1) Jurisdiction- shows subject matter and personal jurisdiction
2) Legal theory- facts establishing claim and basis for relief
3)Remedy- amount of damages seeked
Defendant’s Response
Affirmative defense- response to plaintiff’s claim that does not deny plaintiff’s facts but attack their legal right to bring an action.
Counterclaim- claim made by a defendant in civil lawsuit that in effect, sues the plaintiff. Plaintiff then needs to answer.
Pre-Trial Conference
attorneys meet with the trial judge, informal discussion after the discovery has taken place. Purpose is to explore possibility of settlement without trial. Set ground rules to restrict number of expert witnesses or types of evidence.
The Right to Jury Trial
parties may request this method, if not then judge decides the case
Rule of Evidence
series of rules that the court created to ensure that any evidence presented during a trial is fair and reliable
Direct Examination
examination of witness by attorney who calls the witness to the stand at trial to testify on behalf of the attorney’s client
questioning of an opposing witness during a trial.
additional evidence offered to refute defendant’s case
Rejoinder-refute the evidence in rebuttal
Closing Arguments
Closing arguments- summarizes the fact and evidence presented and indicates why facts/evidence support their client’s claim
Verdict- specifies the jury’s factual findings
Review by Appellate
- Affirm the trial’s decision
- Reverse the trial’s judgment
- Remand (send back) for further proceedings
- In part (affirm or reverse) affirms the case but remands on other issue
- Modify a lower court’s decision.
Writ of Execution
order directing the sheriff to seize and sell the defendant’s nonexempt assets or property
Availability of Assets
found in process of discovery to see if can satisfy the judgment