Chapter 3 Flashcards
Ethics and Role of Business
Relationship of Law and Ethics
law cannot codify all ethical relationships
Moral Minimum
lowest degree of ethical behavior expected of a business firm aka compliance with the law.
Failure to meet can have significant consequences in context of litigation.
Private Company Codes of Ethics
Rules of company sets forth and can enforce (terminate employee, etc)
Industry Ethical Codes
Gives guidance to decision makers facing ethical questions.
American Bar Association, American Nurse Association, etc
Triple Bottom Line
corporation profits, impact on people, and impact on planet.
4 Part Analysis of Triple Bottom Line
used to maximize profits and good citizenship (corporate)
- Legal implications of each decision
- Public relations impact
- Safety risks for consumers and employees
- Financial implications
Ethical Issues in Business
difficult in decision making, recognizing it, get pertinent facts, evaluate alternatives and then make decision.
Importance of Ethical Leadership
Attitude of top management
Unrealistic goals for employees
Fostering of unethical conduct
Duty Based Ethics
rooted in the idea that every person has certain duties to others and planets. May be derived from religious principles or other reasoning
Outcome Based Ethics
focuses on the impacts of decision on society or key stakeholders
greatest good for the greatest number of people affected.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
assessment of the negative and positive effects of alternative actions on these individuals.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
combines commitment of good citizenship with making ethical decisions, improving society and minimizing environment impact.
- Environmental affairs
- Ethical labor practices
- Charitable donations
- Volunteer work
Sources of Ethical Issues in Business Decision
Short Term Profit Maximization
Social media
Systematic Approach : IDDR (I desire to do right)
- Inquiry
- Discussion
- Decision
- Review
Business Ethics on a Global Level
World Religions, Cultural Norms and Ethics
Avoiding Corruption
Monitoring the Employment Practices of Foreign Suppliers.
Business Ethics
consensus of what constitutes right or wrong behavior in the world of business and applications of moral principles to situations that arise in a business settings.
Categorical Imperative
concept developed by IMMANUEL KANT as an ethical guide. Deciding whether wrong or right, desirable or undesirable, evaluate what outcome would be
Ethical Reasoning
reasoning process which an individual links their moral convictions or ethical standards to the particular situation at hand
moral principles and values applied to social behavior.
practice by which a company hires an outside firm or individual to perform work rather than hiring employees.
Principle of Rights
right to fundamental rights (life, freedom, and pursuit of happiness). Key factor in determining whether a business decision is ethical.
groups, other than shareholders, that are affected by corporate decisions such as employees, customers, creditors, suppliers, and the community the corporate operates in