Chapter 1 Flashcards
enforceable rules governing relationships among individuals and between individuals and their society.
15 Sources of Law
Federal- Constitution, Statutes, Case Law, Regulations
State- Constitution, Civil Code,Statutes, Case Law, Regulations
Both- Scholars, Private Parties, Custom/Trade Usage
5 Boxes
Right of Action, Cause of Action, Subject Matter Jurisdiction, Personal Jurisdiction, Venue
Primary Sources of Law
Constitutional (US)– supreme law of the land, establishing the framework for the federal govt and guarantees fundamental rights to citizens.
Statutory (Admin Law) – law enacted by legislative bodies, such as Congress or state legislatures.
Regulatory – administrative agencies, i.e. FTC
Common Law/Case Law doctrines
Natural Law vs Positive Law
Natural – oldest school of legal thought, based on the belief that the legal system should reflect universal (higher) moral/ethical principles that are inherent in human nature.
Positive – “national law”, the written law of a given society at a particular time. In contrast of natural law, it only applies to the citizen of that nation/society.
Legal Positivism
assumption that there is no law higher than the laws created by a national government. Laws must by obeyed, even if they are unjust, to prevent anarchy.
Historical School
legal thought that emphasizes evolutionary process of law by concentrating on the origin and history of legal system.
Legal Realism
based on the idea that law is just one of many institutions in society and that is shaped by social forces/needs.
Administrative Agency
federal/state agency created by the legislature to perform a specific function – make/enforce rules pertaining to the environment.
Administrative Law
body of law created by admin agencies in order to carry our their duties and responsibilities.
to state, recite, asset or charge
Appellant / Appelle
Appellant – the party who makes an appeal from one court to another.
Appellee – the party against whom an appeal is taken, that is the party who opposes setting aside or reversing the judgment.
Binding authority
any source of law that a court must follow when deciding a case.
violate a law, by an act or omission or to break a legal obligation that one owes to another person/society.
Case Law
rules of law announced in court decisions. It interprets statutes, regulation, constitutional provisions and another case law.