Chapter 5 Flashcards
Learning though social interactions how to follow the social norms and expectations of your society. Begins at an early age, clothes given at a baby shower
Nature v Nurture
The development of any inherited/biological potential remains dependent on how one is raised and
socialized. Very little human behavior is “natural”
Symbolic Interactionism
Views the self and society as resulting from social interaction based on language and other symbols
Looking-Glass Self
Cooley, the self-image that results from our interpretation of other people’s views of us
George Herbert Mead
“I” is the impulse act, doesn’t consider what others will think
“me” holds back the “I”, the socially acceptable version, thinks about what others will think
Agent of Socialization: Family
Primary socialization group and key in transmitting norms, values, culture. Stereotypical gender roles and behaviors. Childhood experience linked to many later behaviors. “Typical” family varies by ethnicity, class, martial status. Working class want submit to authority, follow orders. Middle class was decision-making, creativity, and critical thinking.
Agents of Socialization: School
hidden curriculum, reinforcement of stereotypical gender
roles, reinforcement of class status
Hidden Curriculum
unspoken classroom socialization to norms,
values, and roles of a culture. Values and norms such as patriotism, competitiveness, morality, respect for
authority, basic social skills
Agents of Socialization: Peers
People of same age and social standing. Unique set of norms, vocabulary, media, fashion, role models, and
attitudes. Anticipatory socialization
Anticipatory Socialization
preemptively adopting norms of a group we wish to join
Agents of Socialization: Media
Mass media: television, movies, radio, newspapers, books, magazines, violence, fashion, gender stereotypes. Internet: more dynamic flow of information, positive and negative, hate comments
Total Institutions
Institutions that isolate people from the rest of society to achieve administrative control over most aspects of their lives, Resocialization (not unique to Total
Institutions), jail, military
learning to adapt to new norms and values, not unique to total institutions
Social Construction
People give meaning or value to ideas or objects
through social interactions. Ongoing process embedded in our everyday interactions. We give the middle finger meaning
Dramaturgical Approach
view of social life as a theatrical performance
Impression Management
present yourself the way you want others to
see you. a.k.a. “presentation of self”
Front Stage
concerned about impression management
Back Stage
either letting your guard down or preparing for interaction
deception, self- interested untruth, or lying to
maintain a desired impression
Primary Groups
characterized by intense emotional ties, intimacy, and
identification with membership in the group, family, close friends, first group you experience, shape attitude, behavior, and beliefs, provide purpose
Secondary Groups
large, impersonal groups with minimal emotional and intimate ties, provide a means to an end, classroom serves as a part of your education
Effects of Size of Group
The key element in determining the form of social relations in a group is the size of the group (Simmel), group size increases, stability increases, intensity of relationships decreases
two people, if one leaves there’s no longer a group, no hiding info
3 people, more stable, can resolve conflicts
sub-groups that form between group members, enabling them to dominate the group in their own interest
can occur when members limit interactions to within the group
Social Closure
ability of groups to exclude outsiders or “undesirables” from participating
Transactional Leaders
concerned with accomplishing group tasks and
goals, Little variation from traditional routine
Transformational Leaders
instill a sense of mission or higher purpose,
transforming the nature of the group, more inspirational, encourage people to do tasks they didn’t think they could
Legitimate Authority
power exercise over those with which they deserve
Positional Power
based on their position
Personal Power
ability to persuade, dependent on leaders personality, not mandated, not concerned about consequence, they inspire you
ability to mobilize resources and achieve a goal even with resistance of others
Solomon Asch Experiment
conforming with the group, people intentionally said wrong answer and last person was peer pressured into agreeing even though they knew it was wrong
a process by which the members of a group ignore ways of thinking and plans of action that go against the group consensus, not thinking about ethics or legality, don’t want to rock the boat, conform
Economic Capital
money and material that can be used to produce goods and services
Cultural Capital
wealth in the form of knowledge, ideas, verbal skills, and ways of thinking and behaving
Social Capital
the social knowledge and connections that enable people to accomplish goals and extend influence, who you know
Formal Organizations
rationally designed to achieve particular objectives by means of explicit rules, regulations, and procedures
Utilitarian Formal Organization
organization people join for a material benefit they expect to receive for membership, usually a matter of choice, can join one to make a living
Coercive Formal Organization
members are forced to give unquestionable obedience to authority, sometimes not voluntary, jail, military
Normative Formal Organization
don’t have expectation of material benefit, voluntarily join to pursue a morally worthwhile cause, community service
a type of formal organization based on written procedural rules, arranged into a clear hierarchy of authority, and staffed by full-time paid officials, rationally designed to perform tasks efficiently, based on rules and regulations, not always rational
Weber’s Ideal Bureaucracy
Written rules and regulations
Specialized offices and division of labor, like organs in a body
Knowable hierarchy of power, less people on the top
Impersonality in recordkeeping
Technically competent administrative
Criticism of Bureaucracy
Iron Cage, Irrationalities of rationality, Training incapability
Iron Cage
become trapped in a prison of rules and regulations that denies humanity, creativity, and autonomy, too caught up in rules and forgets actual goal, goal displacement
Trained Incapability
learned inability to exercise independent thought
Irrationalities of Rationality
bureaucracies get too caught up in rules and regulations
Goal Displacement
Focusing on individuals and their specific tasks, we lose sight of the original goals the organization was created to accomplish. In other words, we evaluate only the work of the individuals within the bureaucracy and not the overall effectiveness of the organization
Role Strain
competing demands within a particular social role, as a student I have 3 EXAMS THIS WEEK
Role Conflict
different social roles conflicting with one another, having to choose the play or the football game