Chapter 4.7 - International Marketing Flashcards
Business Etiquette
Refers to the mannerism and customs (traditions) by which business is conducted in different countries
Cultural Exports
Are the commercial transfer of ideas and values from one country to another, e.g. US fast-food, Hollywood movies and drive-through outlets
Direct Investment
Refers to a business eating up production and/or distribution facilities in overseas markets
Is the practice of selling domestically produced goods and/or services to overseas buyers in order to gain access to larger international markets
Global Marketing
Is the marketing of a product by using the same marketing strategy in numerous countries to gain from marketing economies of scale
Is the integration and interdependent of the world’s economies, resulting in cultures and tastes converging at an accelerating pace
International Marketing
Is the marketing of a firm’s products in foreign countries
Occurs when a third-party firm (lisensee) buys the right to product the goods of another business (the licensor)