Chapter 4 Vocabulary Flashcards
6 Functions of nonverbal communication
- Accentuating, 2. Contradicting, 3. Repeating, 4. Regulating, 5. Complementary, 6. Substituting
Accentuating Nonverbal
Use of nonverbal behavior to emphasize particular point of a verbal message.
Complimenting Nonverbal
Nonverbal behavior to compliment a verbal message.
Contradicting Nonverbal
This behavior sends the opposite message.
Repeating Nonverbal
Occurs when the nonverbal behavior is actual replicate to the other.
Regulating Nonverbal
Turn taking behavior.
Substituting Nonverbal
In place of verbal message.
The study of nonverbal behavior that focuses on how people use body movement to communicate.
Are gestures that can be used instead of verbal messages.
Are body movement that are used generally in the hands serve to add meaning to the message.
Movement that serve to coordinate turn taking behavior during a conversation.
Affect displays
Valuntary or inunduntary movement that reveals a persons emotional state.
Behavior people use to cope with a situation.
Courtship Readiness Cues
Readiness cues behavior to exhibited n courtship situations.
Positional Cues
How people position their bodies in relation to others.
5 Hand Gestures
- Greeting, 2. Identification, 3. Meaningless, 4. Handstill, 5. Angry
5 Cross Cultural Hand Gestures
- Open palmed, 2. Hands clasped, 3. Hand wringing, 4. Steepling , 5. Self Touching
What do legs and feet communicate?
Where ever their feet and legs are pointed is where their attention is at, if their legs are pointed at you they are interested in what you are saying if they are pointed towards the door they are thinking of leaving.
What does attractiveness communicate?
The degree of appeal a person has regarding physical and social qualities.
What are the 3 types of attractiveness?
Physical, social, task
What is a somatype?
A powerful nonverbal communicator is a person body type.
Consisting of a round body with a large abdomen.
A triangular athletic type body.
A body that is tall and slender with poor muscle tone.