Chapter 4: The Luminous, Sorrowful, and Glorious Mysteries Flashcards
What does Jesus fulfill?
the prophecies from the Old Testament
Why was John baptizing?
as a sign of repentance
Why was Jesus baptized?
as an anointing of the Holy Spirit to prepare Him for his suffering and His mission; also identifies Him with sinners as part of the Father’s plan for salvation
What does John call Jesus?
the Lamb of God
When does Jesus’ Public Ministry begin?
at the Wedding Feast at Cana
What happens at the Wedding Feast at Cana?
Jesus makes known His power by turning water into wine
Why does Jesus call Mary “Woman”?
He is recalling Genesis 3:15
What does Mary always do?
point to Jesus
What are Mary and Jesus compared to what Adam and Eve are not?
Mary is the New Eve and Jesus is the New Adam
What does Jesus’ temptation in the desert foreshadow?
His victory on the cross because He was victorious over Satan
What does “This is the time of fulfillment. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Repent and believe in the Gospel.” mean?
“This is the time of fulfillment” means that the prophecies/promises from Luke 2, Genesis 3:15, and Isaiah 7:14 and the 10 Commandments in Leviticus and Deuteronomy are fulfilled.
“The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” means that we can union with God right now.
“Repent and believe in the Gospel” means that we should turn away from sin and should believe in the Good News because God loves us and saves us from sin.
What kind of miracles did Jesus perform? What did they symbolize/why were they important?
performed spiritual and physical healings
important because they wanted us to know Him and experience healing even now as we were made in the beginning
What do the miracles of Christ demonstrate?
that Jesus is God to man
Why do we call Jesus the “Divine Physician”?
He healed many and performed many miracles
What are some examples of Christ’s healings?
healings; raising people from death; meeting the needs of the people; the superabundance of the 5 loaves and 2 fish; walking on water; driving out demons; the Transfiguration
What was different about Jesus and other healers of His day?
Jesus was actually a healer, while others claimed to be healers
What happened at the Transfiguration? Who was present and what did they symbolize?
Jesus revealed His divinity to His disciples, demonstrating that He truly was fully human and fully divine
Moses, who represented the Law of the Old Testament, Elijah, who represented the prophets of the Old Testament, and the Trinity were present to help the Apostles to understand that Jesus was God
How does Christ fulfill the Old Testament sacrifices?
by being the Lamb of God
Who does Jesus invite to the Kingdom of Heaven?
What is significant about the Bread of Life Discourse and the Last Supper?
He told them that He is going to give them His flesh to eat, which is what He did in the Last Supper
Who has control over the events of Christ’s Passion?
What are the main events of the Passion of Christ?
the scourging, crowning and carry of the cross
Why did Jesus have to die?
Why did Jesus choose to die?
What is the significance of self-gift and the Passion of Christ?
What do the blood and water from the side of Christ symbolize at His death?
the birth of the Church from the side of Christ with Mary our Mother
What does the tearing of the Temple veil after the death of Christ symbolize?
the Old Covenant sacrifices are no longer necessary
What does is mean when Jesus says “I thirst”?
He thirsts for the souls of mankind to know and love Him
What does John the Beloved Disciple being given the Mother of Christ have to do with the Church today?
she is our mother and the Mother of the Church
Christ’s self-emptying
What is symbolic about the Eucharist and the Passion of Our Lord?
Why does the Catholic Church celebrate Mass on Sundays?
Jesus rose from the dead on a Sunday
What is significant of the Resurrection?
we see that God has power over death
How do we know the Resurrection actually occurred?
there are witnesses
Apostolic Succession
the Apostles appointed bishops who appointed priests
What is one Scripture passage that shows us Apostolic Succession?
Matthew 28:18-20 or Matthew 16:15-19
Why does Jesus say He must ascend into Heaven?
so He could send the Holy Spirit to help us even more
What day is considered the Birthday of the Church? Who shows up at this event?
the Holy Spirit descends upon the Apostles
What does the Assumption of Mary tell us about ourselves? Why would she receive this privilege?
tells us that there is hope for the resurrection of our own bodies at the end of time and we can be in Heaven one day with Christ just as she is
receives this privilege because she is the Mother of God