Chapter 2: From Genesis to Jesus (Moses and David) Flashcards
Who does God chose to set the Hebrews free from slavery?
How does God appear to Moses?
in a burning bush
Who accompanied Moses to talk to Pharaoh in Egypt?
his brother Aaron
What is the purpose of the 10 Plagues?
to represent one of the Egyptian gods and demonstrate God’s power and might over the Egyptian gods
What is the 10th Plague?
the death to all the firstborns of Egypt, both human and animal
What is the significance of the 10th Plague, and what do the people have to do to not be affected by it?
means that no one is better than God
the Israelites must paint their doorsteps with the blood of an unblemished male lamb that was sacrificed
How are Jesus and the Passover related?
both are unblemished sacrifices, have no broken bones, and eat standing up
What was the Mosaic Covenant?
when God provided the Israelites with manna, water from the rock, and the entrance into the Promise Land despite their unfaithfulness
Who was the Mosaic Covenant with?
Moses and the nation of Israel
What was the sign of the Mosaic Covenant?
the Passover
What was the meaning of the sign of the Mosaic Covenant?
God saves them from slavery and death, like Jesus will save us from slavery to sin and death
What is the purpose of the 10 Commandments?
to help the Israelites stay faithful to the covenant and free them to become the people they were meant to be
How long are the Israelites in the desert?
40 years
Why does God allow the Israelites to wander for so long?
it is a time of preparation for the Israelites to learn to rely on God alone
How is manna similar to the Eucharist?
both are unleavened bread
Who leads the Israelite people into the Promised Land?
How are Joshua and Jesus alike?
both are obedient and faithful
What is the Ark of the Covenant?
God’s dwelling place
Who was the last Judge?
What did the last judge do that was so significant?
Samuel anointed Saul as king
chosen one
Who was the first king of Israel?
What happened to the last king of Israel that caused problems?
David had an affair with Bathsheba and had her husband killed; repented and begged God for His forgiveness and mercy, but has rebellious children and rebellious Israelite tribes
What does the number 8 indicate?
a new beginning
Why is the number 8 important?
symbolizes a new beginning
What was the Davidic Covenant?
when David was able to unite the kingdoms of Israel and Judah
Who was the Davidic Covenant with?
David and the kingdom of Israel
What was the sign of the Davidic Covenant?
the throne
What is the meaning of the sign of the Davidic Covenant?
God’s own son will sit upon the throne because Jesus will come from David’s line (everlasting kingdom)
What is capital of Israel?
What was built in the capital of Israel?
the Ark of the Covenant
What are the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel?
northern: Israel
southern: Judah
Who was David’s son?
What did David’s son build?
the Temple
What did David and Solomon each do for Israel’s relationship with God regarding workship?
both wanted to build the Temple
What happened during Solomon’s rule that tore Israel apart?
Solomon had too many wives whom he built Temples for for their false gods and lead the Israelites into idol workship
What countries overtook Israel?
Assyria and Babylon
Who shows up during the Exile to call people back to God?
a “mouthpiece” who spoke on behalf of God
What did Isaiah prophesy in Isaiah 7:14?
a virgin birth and the coming of Immanuel
What prophet first mentions a “new covenant”?
What is the passage about the Suffering Servant foreshadowing?
how God is going to take care of the problem caused by the people by sending us Jesus
What happened to Israel’s identity when the Temple was destroyed? Why?
Israel began to lose sight of who they are because they created synagogues to worship in and began to marry people who did not share their faith
What was the culture established by Alexander the Great?
Hellenism (classical Greek culture)
What did Antiochus IV do to Israel?
not allow the Jews to practice their religion, circumcision, Temple sacrifices, observe the Sabbath, or abstain from pork; also built a statue of Zeus and placed it on the altar of holocausts in the Temple
What holiday celebrates the Maccabees and their victory?
What 2 big things did Herod the Great do?
rebuild the Temple and execute babies during the time of Jesus