Chapter 3: The Joyful Mysteries Flashcards
What was Israel enslaved to just before Jesus came?
What is the story of the Incarnation a story of?
God’s return to the beginning
What did Pope Benedict call Mary?
the glue between the Old Testament and the New Testament
What is the difference between the Annunciation and the Incarnation?
Annunciation: the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary and telling her that she will conceive and bear a son
Incarnation: the Word becoming flesh
Whose power causes Mary to conceive of Jesus?
the Holy Spirit
Was Mary forced to say “yes”?
What does “fiat” refer to, and what does it mean?
the overshadowing of Mary by the Holy Spirit and the conception of Christ in her womb
means “yes” and “make of me what you will”
Which 2 prophecies from the Old Testament does the Annunciation fulfill?
Isaiah 7:14 and Genesis 3:15
What are the 3 Marian Dogmas, and why are they important?
- Mother of God: Jesus must be human because He has a human mom
- Immaculate Conception: Jesus must be God because otherwise He would not need a perfect place to dwell on
- Perpetual Virginity: Jesus must be God because He is a miraculous conception and birth
What does Mary’s motherhood tell us about Jesus?
if Mary was not “Theotokos,” Jesus wouldn’t be fully God and fully man
What does the Immaculate Conception have to do with the Old Testament and Jesus?
perfectly conceived, without sin–Mary is the new Ark of the Covenant and the New Eve because she is created without sin like Eve
Which Scripture verse indicated Mary’s Immaculate Conception?
Luke 1:26-38
What does Mary’s virginity tell us about Jesus?
if she had not been a virgin, she would not be the Mother of God, and Christ would not be fully divine and fully human because it would not have been a miraculous birth
hypostatic union
God lowers Himself to the human level while staying God–fully God and fully man
What does Mary always do?
points to Jesus
What does it mean to say “the Word Became Flesh”?
the Lord Himself became human because “the word” is Jesus Christ and the words God spoke through the prophets throughout all of Salvation History are fulfilled in Christ
a man betrothed/married to Mary and the foster father of Jesus
What is important about genealogies?
Christ’s genealogy is stressed throughout all of mankind, qualifying Him as the king of all (dynastic line)
Jesus is the New Adam, the Son of God (Davidic line)
John the Baptist
the son of Elizabeth and Zechariah and the cousin of Jesus (the last prophet before Jesus)
Why does John leap in the womb of his mother?
the Son of God has arrived
What do we call Mary visiting Elizabeth?
the Visitation
What does the Visitation tell us about Mary?
it shows us how she had the heart of the one who serves and is actually pregnant
What does the birth of Christ tell us? Why is it important?
tells/shows of Christ’s humility and poverty
important because the first visitors to Christ are the poor shepherds and poverty makes us holy because it makes us like Christ
How was Christ’s manger related to his passion?
His manger and the cross are both made of wood
What does Christ give us at the Incarnation?
God becoming man to save us from out sins and the fulfillment of Genesis 3:15 (the Protoevangelium)
How do we know Mary is one of Luke’s sources?
she is present in Christ’s genealogy
What is the meaning of Simeon’s prophecy at the Presentation?
Christ will suffer and save both the Gentiles and the Jews and Mary is the Mother of Christ and will suffer with Him as a mother suffers with her children
What do we call Jesus and Mary?
the New Adam and the New Eve
What does the Finding in the Temple foreshadow?
the 3 days that Jesus will be missing after His death
At the Finding of the Temple, what does Jesus understand is most important regarding His mission?
Jesus understood His dignity and that His primary mission was obedience to His father while still humbly obeying His earthly parents
What were the 4 reasons the Word became flesh?
- to reconcile us with God and take away our sin
- to show us God’s infinite love for us
- to model holiness for us
- to make us partakers of the divine nature
What was Original Sin passed on to us through?
our human nature
Why did God become man, and what is this called?
God became man to repair the damage man caused since man was the one who sinned–called justification
What does Christ give us? What is this an invitation to?
Christ gives us everything He has as an invitation to eternal life
What does Jesus model for us?
charity–loving others for who they are, not what they do
How does God love us?
by laying down His life for us and giving us everything He has
a cry of the heart to God and a conversation with Him
What did Christ’s death do for our relationship with God?
it brings us new life in Him in Heaven forever so we don’t have to live separated from God anymore
What does Christ living an ordinary life for us mean?
ordinary things have the power to be a form of prayer and bring us deeper into the life of Christ
What is so powerful about Scripture? Where is it used?
they allow us to participate in Christ’s life through the sacraments
suffering with another especially in an attempt to alleviate their suffering
What does justification do?
make us right with God
God’s life in us; divine nature