Chapter 1: Creation and the Fall Flashcards
Divine Revelation
revelation that is revealed by God
Natural Revelation
revelation that we know through using our intellect and reason was we look at the world around us
What are the 3 parts of Divine Revelation?
- sacred scripture
- sacred tradition
- Magisterium: the teaching office of the Church
God breathed
What are the characteristics of covenants?
-cannot be broken
-a kinship bond sworn in front of God
-always made on top of a mountain
-always have a sign to show they were made with symbolism behind the sign
-invite us into the family of God
How many creation stories are there?
2 stories
What do the creation stories teach/reveal?
tell us something unique about our relationship to God, others and all of creation; express what it is that we were made for and who we are made to be; reveal to us truths that can only be communicated to us by God, rather that science and history
reveals that there is a Creator, God exists outside of time and space, God was never created and He creates out of nothing, God is order not chaos and has a plan, and everything He makes is good; we were were made in God’s image and likeness, we were made out of the goodness of God, were were made for union with one another, God wants to have a relationship with us, and we have freewill
What are the tasks that man and woman are given at creation?
to have dominion over the animals and to be fruitful and multiply
What relationships are man made for?
relationships with God and others
What does God want from man?
a relationship
Who is the Sabbath for?
man (everyone)
What do we learn about the order and structure of creation?
man was created first and woman was created second
What is the difference between a covenant and a contract?
covenant: a gift of persons; unbreakable–invites us into God’s family
contract: an exchange of goods; breakable
What task is man given at creation regarding animals?
to have dominion over them
Is man like the animals?
Are man and woman equal?
original solitude
Adam is alone in the creation accounts, meaning that man seeks companionship and after looking around at all the animals, realizes that none are like them–with the creation of Eve, man finds a helpmate fit for himself, who is called woman
What does original solitude show us? Why?
mankind is made for relationships with others because when man is alone, he realizes that something is missing
original justice
the state of complete harmony between Adam and Eve and the rest of creation
original holiness
the original state of human beings in their relationship with God, sharing in the divine life in full communion with Him
What does the story of the Fall tell us?
why we are inclined to sin, aren’t always happy, suffer from diseases and disorders, and cannot live forever
What is the symbol of evil?
a snake
Where does sin come from?
the freewill of human beings
Who does sin affect?
What was the sin of Adam and Eve?
a sin of pride and disobedience
Who did Adam and Eve make themselves?
What were the consequences of sin?
- toil and labor
- death to dust you shall return
- painful childbirth to women
- dismissal from the Garden of Eden
- suffering
- concupiscence
- a need for salvation
What does Jesus call Satan?
the father of lies and a liar from the beginning
What did Satan tell Adam and Eve?
half truths:
-they will not die
-their eyes will be open
-they will be like God
What enters the world as a result?
original sin
How did Adam and Eve view one another after the Fall?
as objects–in an objective way
What is the purpose of shame?
if we feel shame it means that we feel bad for what we did and reflect on it
Did Satan make Adam and Eve sin?
an inclination to sin
What 3 things were present at the Fall and at Redemption?
-a woman
-a tree
Who blames who for what after the Fall?
Adam blames Eve and God for giving him Eve
Eve blames the snake
What is Gen 3:15 called?
“I will put enmity between your offspring and hers. They will strike at your head while they strike at your heel.”
called provtoevangelium
Who is Gen 3:15 about, and what does it say?
how Jesus loves us and saves us, saying that He will crush Satan and sin
What does “what is first in intention, and last in execution” have to do with the creation of man and woman, as well as the establishment of the Sabbath?
the Sabbath shows us that even work ultimately points to worship otherwise we would just be slaves who never had a day rest and renew our relationship with God
Why is free will important?
it gives us the freedom to choose God
What does free will tell us about God’s relationship with us?
it tells us that He wants us to have a relationship with Him so we can trust Him