Chapter 4 The Holy Tinity Flashcards
God as one in essence and three in person - shapes and structures Christian faith and practice in every way.
Something with certain definable characteristics is called an “essence” or “substance” - an entity about which something can be said.
Origen argues that Father & Son are ‘correlative terms’, which means that the F is F precisely because the F begets the S eternally & the S is S precisely because the S is begotten by the F eternally
Thus each is what he is by virtue of the relationship of “begottenness”
with respect to God’s works in the world
(of similar essence)
Arius believed the son was the first created being
trinity is masks worn by one divine person (Modalism)
Hypostasis (Person)
one who is a bearer of an essence (made by the Cappadocian fathers)
Refers to the interrelationship between persons, the mutual indwelling of the persons in each other
a unity of will and action
Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son (added to Nicene Creed
Ayres 4th C pro-Nicene Culture
- A shared concept of Scripture as divinely inspired for the purpose of being a vehicle of salvation
- An anthropology in which we are sinners being drawn toward God & sanctified in the process of reading & increasingly understanding Scripture
- An analogical understanding of language that served to protect the mystery of the Divine Being even as we make true statements about it
- the irreducible unity of the irreducibly 3 persons
- Inseparability of operations
- God is 3 persons who operate as one God because they share the same being
Biblical basis for Trinity Oneness
James 2:19
Biblical basis for Trinity Christ
Phil 2:5-11, Heb 1:3
- “in the very nature God”
Basis for Trinity
Mt 28:19
II Cor 13:14
OT Foreshadow of Trinity
- Wisdom
- The Word of God (Ps)
- The Spirit of God
- The Angel of the lord Theophanies
Substance or being
Homoousion to patri
of one being with the Father (one being, three persons)
one in being - same substance
similar or like substance