Chapter 4 Terms Flashcards
the immediate precursor for serotonin
acetyl CoA
a precursor molecule from which acetylcholine is synthesized
the breakdown enzyme for ACH
active zone
the region located just behind the presynaptic membrane in which vesicles about to fuse with the membrane congregate
a catecholamine neurotransmitter synthesized from norepinephrine - also called epinephrine
agonistic effect
an increase in the normal activity in a synapse due to the presence of a drug
AMPA receptor
an inotropic glutamate receptor with a sodium channel
antagonistic effect
a reduction in the normal activity in a synapse due to the presence of a drug
the enzymes that converts testosterone to estradiol
a competitive antagonistic drug for muscarinic receptors
axo axonic synapse
a synapse onto an axon terminal
axodendritic synapse
a synapse formed on the dendritic tree of the target cell
axosomatic synapse
a synapse formed on the soma of the target cell
a toxin that irreversibly activates sodium channels
botulinum toxin
a drug that inhibits the presynaptic release of the ACh
protein that calcium binds to which in turn causes synapsin to change shape and release the vesicle
the breakdown enzyme for catecholamine neurotransmitters
monoamine neurotransmitters synthesized from the amino acid tyrosine
the lipid molecule that acts as the precursor for steroid hormones
choline acetyltranferase (ChAT)
the synthesis enzyme for acetylcholine
the ion channel in a gap junction
the main stress hormone in the human body
a drug that blocks nicotinic ACh receptors at the neuromuscular junction
deadly nightshade
the plant from which atropine is obtained