Chapter 4: Somatosensory & Motor Circuits Flashcards
Component Tracts of the Pyramidal System
corticobulbar corticopontine corticospinal parapyramidal conscious motor control
Corticobulbar Tract
descends through the brainstem and controls upper motor neurons of the cranial nuclei that have voluntary motor function
the cell bodies are located in the lateral precentral gyrus and premotor areas
- therefore damage to this tract will affect movement of the head and neck
Corticospinal Tract
starts in the cortex and descends through the brainstem and spinal cord
it controls motor neurons of the trunk and limbs
cell bodies of this tract are in the cerebral cortex
synapses only in the LMN
opposite side pathology for the brainstem
same side pathology for the spinal cord
Which CN have voluntary motor function?
CN 3-7 and CN 9-12
Corticopontine tract
descends to terminate on the pontine nuclei in the basis of the pons. Axons from these nuclei then forward the signal to the cerebellum on the OPPOSITE side
- the cerebellum works to refine the cortex plan for smoothness and accuracy - cortex---> pons ----> opp. middle cerebellar peduncle
motor cortex that controls both motor systems
gives input to the extrapyramidal system
What is controlled by the lateral corticospinal tract?
distal musculature
Parts of the Extrapyramidal system
rubrospinal tract tectospinal tract vestibulospinal tract reticuclospinal tract unconscious motor control
Tectospinal tract
makes you turn your head and look (ex: loud noises, flash of light, fly bite leg)
automatic response: protective
cell bodies found in the tectum
Vestibulospinal Tract
some in the pons and medulla (vestibular nuclei.)
involved in balance responses (primarily trunk and proximal musculature)
next to the anterior cotricalspinal tract
Reticulospinal Tract
found in the pons, medulla and midbrain(reticular form.)
contributes to balance, upright posture and gait
travels with the anterior corticospinal tract
Rubrospinal Tract
originates in the “red nucleus” of the midbrain and the axons immediately crossover to descend in the lateral part of the tegmentum
involved in distal forelimb control (hand and arm fine motor)
synapses in the cervical spinal cord
goes to the lateral spinal tract which does the distal forelimb control
Sensory Circuits
dorsal column medial lemniscal system
spinocerebellar system
anterior lateral system
Which systems make up the Anterolateral System?
- carries conscious and unconcsious protopathic sense which carries pain and temperature receptors from the opposite side
Spinothalamic system
conscious sense
comes from the spinal cord and crosses over to ascend the opposite side of the brain in the thalmus to synapse in the postcentral gyrus
Spinoreticular system
UNconscious sense
comes from the spinal cord and crosses over to ascend the opposite side of the brain and synapse in the reticular form.
involved in general movement
Spinomesenphalic system
UNconscious sense
comes from the spinal cord and crosses over to ascend the opposite side of the brain to synapse in the gray area of the midbrain and superior colliculus
can help the brain turn off the pain
affects arousal levels
Epicritic Sense
carries detailed touch such as vibration, tactile form, position sense (conscious propriception and kinesthesia)
consists of the dorsal column medial lemniscal system and spinocerebellar system
Dorsal Column Medial Lemniscal System
conscious system
signals from the LE enter at the dorsal root and ascend via gracile fasiculus. Crosses in the caudal medulla at the internal arcuate fibers. As it ascends it is renamed the medial leminiscus. It goes up the thalamus and synapses in the medial postcentral gyrus
signals from the UE enter and ascend via cuneate fasiculus. Crosses in the caudal medulla the internal arcuate fibers. It ascends the medial leminiscus and goes up to the thalamus to synapse
-vibration, proprioception, kinesthesia and tactile form
Spinocerebellar system
unconscious system
fine detailed movement
unconscious information about position, force production, and movement
axons from the leg and lower trunk ascend as part of the gracile fas. and terminate on the d. nucleus of Clarke in the thoracic cord. axon bundles travel up the dorsal spinocerebellar tract to synapse in the cerebellum on the same side to reach the inferior cerebellar peduncle for the lower extremity
travels up the cuneate fas. and synapses in the medulla, lateral cuneate nucleus . Axon bundles travel p as the cuneo-cerebellar tract to synapse in the cerebellum and inferior cerebellar peduncle for the upper extremity
cuneate fasiculus
conscious and unconscious epicritic of the upper body
Where do the cell bodies of the pyramidal system originate?
originate in all areas of the neocortex; especially the frontal and parietal lobes
Where do the cell bodies of the extrapyramidal system originate?
originate in the brainstem
tectospinal=tectum of the midbrain
vestibulospinal=vestibular nucleus (pons-medulla junction)
reticulospinal=reticular form.(midbrain-pons-medulla)
rubrospinal=red nucleus of the midbrain
What does the protopathic system do?
carries pain, temp and crude touch