Chapter 4: Social Cognition Flashcards
social cognition
The subfield of psychology that examines the underlying reasons why people of every generation think the way they do about the world, and why everyday thinking—explaining, predicting, and deciding—frequently is irrational.
What is the:
attribution process
How Do We Make Sense of the World?
When a naive scientist attempts to explain someone else’s behaviour, they looks for three pieces of information: the consistency of the actor’s behavior (e.g. Does he or she always behave in this manner, in other situations, and at other times?), consensus (e.g. Do others behave in the same way in the same situation?), and/or the distinctiveness of the action (e.g. Is he or she the only one to behave in this manner?).
What two conditions does rational thought require?
How Do We Make Sense of the World?
- The thinker has access to accurate, useful information.
- The thinker has the mental resources needed to process life’s data.
These conditions almost never hold in everyday life. It is impossible to think deeply about each and every piece of information that comes our way and about each and every decision that must be made.
cognitive miser
How Do We Make Sense of the World?
The brain is programmed to use shortcuts in order to conserve cognitive energy, behaving like a cognitive miser.
- We accomplish this by ignoring some information to reduce our cognitive load; or we “overuse” other information to keep from having to search for more.
- The strategies of the cognitive miser may be efficient, but can also lead to serious errors and biases, especially when we select an inappropriate shortcut or we ignore a vital piece of information.
bias blindspot
How Do We Make Sense of the World?
One of the most pervasive biases is that we think we are less biased than the average person. We have this bias because when we introspect about our motivations and thought processes to ask ourselves if we are misjudging, we are unable to detect biases at work because the nature of our cognitive biases is that they are unconscious and unintentional.
What is the:
contrast effect
The Effects of Context on Social Judgment
When any object is contrasted with something similar but not as good (or pretty, or tall, or inexpensive, and so forth), that particular object is judged to be better, prettier, taller, or a better bargain than would normally be the case (e.g. in contrast to a $170 bottle of wine, the still over-priced $70 of wine seems just right).
The Effects of Context on Social Judgment
A procedure based on the notion that ideas that have been recently encountered or frequently activated are more likely to come to mind and thus will be used in interpreting social events.
- Priming can effect our perceptions of others (e.g. we’re more likely to think that a neutral behaviour is reckless if we’ve been primed with words like ‘conceited,’ ‘aloof,’ and ‘stubborn’);
- And ourselves for a short period of time (e.g. if we’ve been primed with words like ‘rude’ and ‘interrupt,’ we’re more likely to interrupt someone).
- “The mass media may not be successful much of the time in telling people what to think, but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to think about…” i.e. People who have been primed with certain news topics will often think that those topics are more important.
What is:
The Effects of Context on Social Judgment
Whether a problem or decision is presented in such a way that it appears to represent the potential for a loss or for a gain.
- For most people, it is more painful to lose something than it is pleasurable to gain something. This leads to people being more likely to act when they are perceiving a reduction in loss.
- e.g. Women were more likely to do self-screening for breast cancer after reading a pamphlet that emphasized how women who don’t do self-screening have a decreased chance of finding a tumor early on.
Why does the primacy effect in impression formation occur?
The Effects of Context on Social Judgment
- According to the attention decrement explanation, the later items in a list receive less attention as the observers tire and their minds start to wander; thus, these items have less impact on judgment.
- According to the interpretive set explanation, the first items serve to create an initial impression that then is used to interpret subsequent information, either through the discounting of incongruent facts (e.g. if Steve is intelligent, why should he be envious?) or by subtle changes in the meaning of the words further down the list (e.g. being critical is a positive attribute if Steve is intelligent but a negative one if he is stubborn).
dilution effect
The Effects of Context on Social Judgment
The tendency for neutral and irrelevant information to weaken a judgment or impression.
- This occurs because irrelevant information about a person makes that person seem more similar to others, and thus more average and like everyone else. An average person is less likely to have an extremely high grade point average or to be terribly negative.
judgmental heuristics
Judgmental Heuristics
A mental shortcut; it is a simple, often only approximate, rule or strategy for solving a problem (e.g. “If a particular food item is found in a health food store, it must be good for you”).
What is the:
representative heuristic
Judgmental Heuristics
When we focus on the similarity of one object to another to infer that the first object acts like the second one.
- e.g. A box of Lucky Charms resembles a child’s toy—bright colors, cartoon character, glistening sugar. We infer that this cereal is “childish,” and since children eat junk food if not carefully supervised, this cereal must be junk. On the other hand, the 100 Percent Natural Granola box has earth tones and a picture of unprocessed grains; it resembles nature itself. And, of course, it is “natural” and, in our minds, the natural is equated with the good, the wholesome. The cereal must be nutritious. However, in a laboratory study, Lucky Charms were determined to be more nutritious than the Natural Granola.
- The first information we pick up about a person—information about gender, race, physical attractiveness, and social status—is usually associated with simple rules that guide thought and behavior. e.g. Gender and ethnic stereotypes tell us “just how men and women differ” and “what a particular member of an ethnic group is like.”
availability heuristic
Judgmental Heuristics
Judgments based on how easy it is for us to bring specific examples to mind.
- e.g. People are more likely to say that shark attacks cause more deaths than falling airplane parts and fires cause more deaths than drowning, even though both are false. This is because it is easier to bring to mind examples of deaths from sharks and fires, because these events are more likely to be covered in a vivid manner on the evening news and thus are more available in people’s memories.
Judgmental Heuristics
A special type of belief that includes emotional and evaluative components; in a sense, an attitude is a stored evaluation—good or bad—of an object.
What is the:
attitude heuristic
Judgmental Heuristics
When people use attitudes to assign objects to a favorable class (for which strategies of favoring, approaching, praising, cherishing, and protecting are appropriate) or to an unfavorable category (for which strategies of disfavoring, avoiding, blaming, neglecting, and harming are used).
- e.g. If John dislikes President Obama, he blames his policies for the recession, the high level of unemployment, and the huge deficit; if he likes Obama, he is apt to blame these problems on Obama’s predecessor.
halo effect
Judgmental Heuristics
As another dimension of the attitude heuristic, this effect is a general bias in which a favorable or unfavorable general impression of a person affects our inferences and future expectations about that person.
- e.g. If you really like President Obama, then you will be likely to discount or explain away any behavior on his part that might be considered negative, and exaggerate the goodness of his positive actions (as if he were wearing a halo in your mind).
What is the:
false-consensus effect
Judgmental Heuristics
The tendency to overestimate the percentage of people who agree with us on any issue.
When do we use heuristics?
Judgmental Heuristics
- When we don’t have time to think carefully about an issue.
- When we are so overloaded with information that it becomes impossible to process the information fully.
- When the issues at stake are not very important, so that we do not care to think about it.
- When we have little solid knowledge or information to use in making a decision.