Chapter 4 Quiz Flashcards
Learning that certain events occur together. They may be two stimuli or a response and its consequence.
Associative Learning
Any event or situation that evokes a response
The acquisition of mental information
Cognitive Learning
We learn by ______
Behaviors became habitual after ___ days
Process of learning associations is ______
We learn to associate two stimuli and anticipate events in
Classical Conditioning
We learn to associate a response and its consequence in
Operant Conditioining
What let’s us learn through others experiences?
Observational Learning
Pavlov is associated with ____
Classical Conditioning
Behavior that occurs as an automatic response to some stimulus
Respondent Behavior
A stimulus that elicits no response before conditioning
Neural Stimulus
Unlearned naturally occurring response to an unconditional stimulus
Unconditioned Response
A stimulus that triggers a response
Unconditional Simulus
A learned response to a previously neutral stimulus
Conditioned response
An originally irrelevant stimulus that after association with an unconditioned stimulus comes to trigger a conditioned response
Conditioned Stimulus
In Pavlov’s experiement the dog drooling was the _______ and the food was the ______
The drooling was the Unconditioned Response and the food was the unconditioned stimulus
Conditioned is
One links a neural stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus so that the neutral stimulus begins triggering the conditioned respons
A procedure in which the conditioned stimulus is paired with a new neural stimulus creating a second conditioned stimilus
Higher-order Conditioning
Diminishing of a conditioned response
The reappearance of an extinguished conditioned response
Spontaneous Recovery
Classical conditioning is _____
biologically adaptive
The tendency once a response has been conditioned for stimuli similar to the conditioned stimulus to elicit similar responses
Learned ability to distinguish between a conditioned stimulus and a stimuli that do not signal an unconditioned stimulus