Chapter 4 - Neural Communication Flashcards
electrons flowing from negative pole to positive pole via conducting medium
flow of electrons from negative to positive pole
Electric Potential
difference in charge between negative & positive pole
- relative charge
- volts (V)
Linking Electricity & Neural Activity
- People (6)
1) Stephen Gray
2) Luigi Galvani
3) Gustv Fritsch & Eduard Hitzig
4) Bartholow
5) Wilder Penfield
6) Richard Caton
1) Stephen Gray
- found that flying boy conducts electricity
- speculated that electricity is neural messenger
Findings from what suggested that neurons send electrical messages?
Electrical stimulation studies
Electrical Stimulation Studies suggesting neurons send electrical messages
2) Luigi Galvani
18th C
observed twitching frog legs on wire in market during lightning storm
- suspected that electricity was activating muscles
- confirmed speculation by stimulating nerves using electricity in lab
Electrical Stimulation Studies suggesting neurons send electrical messages
3) Gustav Fritsch & Eduard Hitzig
19th C
demonstrated that electrical stimulation of neocortex caused movement
- identified motor cortex & mapped motor homonculus in animals
Electrical Stimulation Studies suggesting neurons send electrical messages
4) Bartholow
1st to electrically stimulate human brain
- patient with exposed parietal lobe
- reported pain & tingling sensation
Electrical Stimulation Studies suggesting neurons send electrical messages
5) Wilder Penfield
electrically stimulated people having surgery for epilepsy
- attempted to provoke “aura” (warning of impending seizure) that precedes seizure to find region of abnormal activity
- also identified areas associated with language to try to avoid removing these areas
- mapped out motor & sensory homonculus
Findings from Electrical _____ Studies also suggested neurons send electrical messages
6) Richard Caton
Electrical Recording Studies
20th C
1st to measure electrical currents of brain with voltmeter by placing electrodes on skull
→ Electroencephalogram (EEC)
Electroencephalogram (EEG)
standard tool for detecting electricaly activity in brain using electrodes attached to scalp
→ used to:
- monitor sleep stages
- record waking activity
- diagnose disruptions (such as in epilepsy)
Hermann von Helmholtz
stimulated nerve leading to muscle & measured time muscle took to contract
- 30-40 m/s
in brain to stimulate/record more precisely
- i.e. specific region/cell
Ion Movement & Electrical Charge
chemicals in ICF & ECF differ & are kept seperate by cell membrane
- chemicals are electrically charged (IONS)
electrically-charged chemicals
cations & anions
- (2)
positively-charged ions
- Sodium (Na+)
- Potassium (K+)
- (2)
negatively-charged ions
- Chloride (Cl-)
- Protein molecules (A-)
(3) factors influence movement of ions in/out of cell
1) Diffusion
2) Concentration Gradient
3) Voltage Gradient
Factors Influencing Ion Movement In/Out of Cell
1) Diffusion
movement of ions from area of [high] to area of [lower] through random motion
Factors Influencing Ion Movement In/Out of Cell
2) Concentration Gradient
differences in [substance] among regions that allow diffusion from area of [higher] to area of [lower]
Factors Influencing Ion Movement In/Out of Cell
3) Voltage Gradient
difference in charge between regions
- allow flow of current if regions are connected
Resting Potential
- definition
- due to?
electrical charge across membrane at rest
- greater negative charge on inside relative to outside
- store of PE
- - 70 mV
due to unequal distribution of ions inside & outside
Features of Cell Membrane Contributing to Resting Potential (4)
(How is the distribution of ions inside & outside of cell maintained?)
via channels, pumps & gates
- proteins cannot leave cell (large & - charged)
- channels allow K+ & Cl- to move in & out of cell more freely
- Gated channels prevent Na+ from entering cell
- Na/K Pumps → 3 Na+ out & 2 K+ in
Movement of K+ & Cl- across membrane
K+ → in
- attracted by (-) charge
Cl- → out
- stays in more (+) environment
Concentration of Sodium in ICF & ECF
[Na]out = 10x [Na]in
10x more Na+ outside than inside cell
Graded Potentials
small voltage fluctuations restricted to vicinity where ion concentrations change
change is proportional to stimulation
- Δ[ion] → Δ membrane potential
(2) types of Graded Potentials
1) Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs)
2) Inhibitory Postsynaptic Potentials (IPSPs)
1) Excitatory Postsynaptic Potentials (EPSPs)
- define
- effects (2)
- due to?
GPs (brief graded depolarization) of membrane in response to stimulation
- makes membrane potential more positive
- inside more + than outside
- ↑ increase likelihood of AP
- due to opening of Na+ channels → Na+ enters