Chapter 16 - Disorders & Treatments Flashcards
Disorders & Treatments
- (2) perspectives
Neurological Disorders
organic brain/NS disorders
→ symptoms due to brain dysfunction
- stroke, TBI, Alzheimers
Psychiatric Treatments & Disorders
behavioral disorders
- schizophrenia, depression, anxiety
Neurological vs. Psychiatric Disorders → Causes
- difficulties
Neurological disorders: causes = largely known
Psychiatric disorders: causes = less known
difficult to identify cause since most disorders do NOT involve a single genetic abnormality
cognitive, behavioral & social symptoms = observable
→ BUT do not necessarily indicate underlying cause
Brain & Behavior Abnormalities
- result from? (5)
- genetic errors
- epigenetics mechanisms
- rapid cell death
- progressive cell death
- loss of neural connections & functions
Neurobiology of Abnormal Behavior
→extremely difficult to find because of?
complexity of NS
abnormal behavior not always clearly related to brain damage
brain damage doesn’t always produce obvious abnormal behaviors
Diagnosing Behavioral Disorders
- ease/difficulty?
- Explain.
behavioral observations usually from family or individual
- biased
- don’t know what to look for
skilled evaluators have own conceptual perspectives
- influences Qs asked & info gathered
lack of self-awareness about a certain disability/disorder one suffers from
study of distribution & causes of diseases in human popn
- helps define & assess behavioral disorders
Identifying & Classifying Psychiatric Disorders
- (2) sets of criteria for diagnosis
1) Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
2) International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)
Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders
1) Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
- author?
- provides/lists? (2)
- limitations? (2)
American Psychiatric Association (APA)
→ lists symptoms & criteria (inclusion/exclusion) for diagnosis
→ provides statistical info (avg age of onset, prevalence, sex ratio etc.)
- arbitrary
- depends on prevailing cultural views
Diagnosing Psychiatric Disorders
2) International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)
- author?
World Health Organization
- neurobiological & psychiatric disorders
some psychiatric disorders are to some extent arbitrary & depend on prevailing cultural views
→ based on? NOT?
based on consensus not empirical evidence
Identifying & Classifying Mental/Psychiatric Disorders
- present vs. future
- must be?
- limitation/problem?
brain imaging techniques NOT currently used for diagnosis
→ may be used in future in tandem with behavioral diagnoses to make diagnoses more objective
- must be
- sensitive enough to detect unique features of brain disorders
specific enough to rule out similar conditions
- problematic: many behavioral disorders display similar abnormalities
Neurological Disorders → TREATMENTS
→ causes largely known
treatment fairly primitive
- provide relief from symptoms, NOT cure
Psychiatric Disorders → TREATMENTS
causes largely unknown & complex
existing treatments = relatively effective
(4) Main Types of Treatments
a) Neurosurgical
b) Electrophysiological
c) Pharmacological
d) Behavioral
a) Neurosurgical
- goal? (4)
- very invasive
goal = treat dysfunction by:
- removing abnormal tissue
- repairing abnormality
- damaging dysfunctional area
- implanting stem cells or electrode