chapter 4 nail disorders and diseases Flashcards
as a nail tech you could be in a position to?
see conditions that may signal mild to serious health problems that require the attention of a doctor
natural nail definition
Is the hard protective plate that protects the tips of the fingers or toes it is an appendage of the skin and is part of the integumentary system their appearance can reflect the general health of the body.
natural nail unit definition
Is made-up of several major parts including the nail bed, matrix, nail plate, cuticle, eponychium, hyponychium, specialized ligaments and nail folds. The natural nail itself is technically referred to as the Onyx and is composed mainly of keratin the fiber shaped protein found in the skin and hair. All of the parts of the finger from the tip to the first knuckle are referred to as the natural nail unit.
A healthy nail should be what? SB
A normal healthy nail is firm and flexible shiny and slightly pink in color its surface is usually smooth and unspotted with no splits or deep grooves a healthy nail should be whitish and translucent in appearance with the pinkish or beige color of the nail beds below showing through.
Nail folds definition
Are folds of normal skin that surround the nail plate. folds form the nail groove on each side of the nail. The lateral nail fold also known as the sidewall is a fold of skin overlapping the side of the nail.
Proximal nail fold definition
The proximal nail fold is the entire flap of skin covering the matrix, extending from the edge of the visible nail plate to the first joint of the finger. This tissue folds back underneath itself to create a flap of tissue that Shields and protects the sensitive area. The upper part of the proximal nail fold is covered with skin called stratum corneum which is typical of other parts of the body. In the area where the skin meets the nail plate it has a different appearance because it is keratinized. In this small area the outer layer of tissues undergoes a process that causes the surface cells to produce large amounts of keratin.
Nail plate definition SB
Is the hardened keratin plate that sits on the top of the nail bed it is the most visible and functional part of the nail unit it is formed by the matrix cells whose sole job is to create nail plate cells. It is constructed of approximately 50 layers or less layers of nail cells as it grows the nail plate slowly slides across the nail bed. The free edge is part of the nail plate that extends over the tip of the finger or toe the nail plate is relatively porous to water meaning that it can absorb some moisture. A healthy nail may look dry and hard but has a water content of between 15 and 25%.
Nail bed definition SB
portion of living skin that supports the nail plate as it grows toward the free edge. Because it is richly supplied with blood vessels , the area under the nail plate can have a pinkish appearance in the area that extends to the lunula to the area just before the free edge of the nail. The nail bed contains many nerves and is attached to the nail plate by a thin layer of tissue called the bed epithelium. The bed of the epithelium helps guide the nail plate along the nail bed as it grows. As a professional you should understand the difference and use the proper names for the parts of the nail units.
Matrix definition SB
Is the area where the nail plate cells are formed and extends from under the nail fold at the base of the nail plate. The visible part of the matrix that extends from underneath the living skin is called the lunula it is the whitish Half Moon shape underneath the base of the nail plate. The matrix area contains nerves lymph and blood vessels to nourish the matrix cells as long as it is nourished and in healthy condition the matrix will continue to create new plate cells. Lunular shows true color of the matrix. Everyone has a lunular but not all of them are visible.
cuticle definition
Is the non living colorless tissue attached to the nail plate that comes from the eponychium located on the underside of the skin lying above the natural nail plate. The cuticle forms an important seal between the PNF and nail plate preventing infectious organisms from getting underneath the skin to infect the matrix or bone. The cuticle is dead skin on the nail plate so why are there products designed to pamper soften and moisturize the cuticle? That does not make any sense! cuticle moisturizer softeners or conditioners are actually designed for the proximal nail fold, lateral sidewalls and hyponychium, not for the cuticle. Cuticle removers are products that remove stubborn cuticle tissue when used right.
Eponychium definition
Is the living skin underneath the proximal nail fold found at the base of the nail plate covering the matrix area. According to research conducted by Doug schoen in 2019 study the eponychium is a thin section of tissue found on the bottom side of the proximal nail fold. The eponychium extends from the front edge of the proximal nail fold and stops at the nail matrix. The eponychium is often mistaken for the cuticle. The cuticle becomes eponychium which is found on the underside of this area PNF where it completely detaches from the eponychium and becomes strongly attached to the new growth of the nail plate it is pulled free to form a seal between the natural nail plate and the proximal nail fold. Nail technicians can gently push back the PNF but are prohibited from cutting or trimming any living tissue, which includes the PNF. Even if the skin appears dry and hardened, it is part of the living PNF.
Hyponychium definition
Is the slightly thickened layer of skin that lies between the fingertip and the free edge of the nail plate it forms a protective barrier that prevents microorganisms from invading and infecting the nail bed. Treat this area gently because when it is damaged the nail plate can separate from the nail bed making infections under the nail plate possible.
Ligament definition
Is a tough band of fibrous tissue that connects bones or holds an organ in place. Specialized ligaments attached the nail bed and matrix bed to the underlying bone. They are located at the base of the matrix and around the edges of the nail bed.
The growth of the nail plate is affected by nutrition exercise and a persons general health.
Normal healthy nail plates can grow in a variety of shapes depending on the shape of the matrix the length width and curvature of the matrix determines the thickness width and curvature of the plate. The average growth of the nail plate in an adult is 1/10 to 1/8 (2.5 - 3mm) per month. Nail plates grow faster in the summer than they do in the winter. The nail of the middle finger grows the fastest the thumbnail grows the slowest. The longer the matrix the thicker the nail take the toe for example.
nail plate malformation info SB
Ordinarily complete replacement of the nail plate takes about four to six months toenail plates take nine months to one year to be fully replaced.