black book chapter 5 infection control Flashcards
state board and other regulatory agencies require that
infection control measures and safe work practices be applied while serving the public.
Infection control definition
Refers to the methods used to eliminate or reduce the transmission of infectious organisms from one individual to another. can also occur when using contaminated implements, tools, and equipment.
It is your responsibility as a beauty professional to what?
Use proper and effective infection control methods that help safeguard your health and the health of your clients. It is important to know about the pathogens professionals and their clients may be exposed to in their modes of transmission. Practicing safety precautions on a daily basis protects their clients and their license.
many federal and state agencies regulate the beauty and wellness professions.
Federal agencies set guidelines for the manufacture, sell, and use of equipment and chemical ingredients. These guidelines also monitor safety in the workplace (OSHA) and place limits on the types of services you can perform in a salon, spa, or barber shop.
State agencies regulate licensing, enforcement, and your conduct when you are on the job .
Occupational safety and health administration (OSHA)
Part of the US Department of labor to regulate and enforce safety and health standards to protect employees in the workplace. OSHA standards, address issues relating to the handling, mixing, storing, and disposing of products; general safety in the workplace; and you’re right to know about any potentially hazardous ingredients contained in the products, and how to avoid these hazards they do this in part by requiring the chemical manufactures and importers, assess and communicate the potential hazards associated with their products through a safety data sheet (16 categorized log sheet).
Environmental protection agency (EPA)
Environmental protection agency registers, all types of disinfectants sold and used in the United States. Disinfectants - are chemical products that destroy most bacterial, excluding spores, fungi, and viruses on surfaces. It is against federal law to use any disinfecting product in a way contrary to the use indicated on this label. Before manufacturers can sell a product for disinfecting surfaces, tools, implements, or equipment, they must obtain an EPA registration number. example they can sell something for just clipper use and you have to use it for just clippers or you would be breaking federal law; contact time, mixing, and type of surface used on.
State regulatory agencies
Exist to protect beauty, professionals in their customers, health and safety during services. Include licensing, agencies, state boards, commissions, and health departments. Require that everyone working with clients in a salon, spa, or barbershop follow specific procedures, enforcement of the rules through inspections and investigations of consumer complaints is also part of an agency‘s responsibility an agency can issue penalties against both owners and beauty professionals. Penalties vary.
Laws and rules what’s the difference?
Laws are written by both federal and state legislators to determine the scope of practice and establish guidelines for regulatory agencies to make rules. Laws are called statutes. rules and regulations are more specific than laws, regulatory agency, or the state board Writes the rules, and determines how the law must be applied. rules establish specific standards of conduct, and can be changed or updated frequently.
Disease definition
What careless action could cause injury, or spread disease, which is any abnormal condition of all or part of the body, its systems, or its organs that make the body incapable of carrying on normal functions. If your actions hurt a client or make them ill, you could lose your license or ruin your salon, spa or barbershops reputation.
Infection, definition
The invasion of body tissues by disease causing pathogens, is possible when you know proper procedures and follow them at all times. Prevention begins and ends with you. Influences the professional image of your establishment.
A client’s first impression begins when?
As soon as I walk in through the doors. All the sight sound, smell and textures of the salon smaller barbershop meld together to form this first impression
Modes of transmission
Bacteria, viruses, and fungi, have different ways of moving from one person to another, or from an object to a person. Transmission is the process by which pathogens move between individuals and objects. This is how we get sick being exposed to pathogens does not make you sick as your immune system may be able to pick up a good fight however, transmission is the necessary first step in getting sick and if you prevent transmission you prevent illness. Most common types of transmission in the salon, spa, or barbershop environment, are direct, indirect (surface), airborne and respiratory droplet.
Direct transmission
It involves the transmission of pathogens through touching, kissing, coughing, sneezing, and talking. Parasitic, infections and warts are other examples of diseases spread by direct transmission. Fortunately, disease spread by direct contact cannot lift for long periods of time away from a host.
Indirect transmission
Occurs through contact with an intermediate, contaminated object, such as a razor, extractor, nipper, or an environmental service, upon which the pathogen resides. Door knobs, phones, food, preparation, services, or your implements at work, or all possible vectors of indirect transmission. If a surface has been contaminated by a person, the pathogen will attempt to infect anyone who touches that surface, making them their new host. Illnesses, transmitted by this method include salmonella, ringworm, and MRSA.
Airborne transmission and respiratory droplet
They are similar in that transmission occurs when a pathogen living in our respiratory track is expelled through, coughing, sneezing, or even talking. The difference between the two is that respiratory droplets or large particles that do not stay suspended in the air for long for example, influenza, every time your breath it carries with it the influenza virus attached to air particles; don’t stand close to people in their air space. Airborne transmission, the particles are much smaller and dryer, so they hang in the air longer, allowing for the pathogen to spread further.
An infectious disease definition
Is caused by pathogenic harmful organisms that enter the body. It may or may not be spread from one person to another, depending on the organism and its method of transmission.
Bacterial spores definition
Which are bacteria capable of producing a protective coating that allows them to withstand very harsh environments and to shed the coating when conditions become more favorable to them. Thankfully, this bacteria is rare and a very little risk in the salons.
Disinfectants used in salon Spartan barbershops must be what three cidals?
Bacteriocidal, capable of destroying bacteria. Virucidal capable of destroying viruses. Fungicidal, capable of destroying molds and fungi.
Be sure to mix and use these disinfectants according to the instructions on the labels, so they are safe and effective. Disinfectants may still need to be affective against tuberculosis tuberculocidal.
Tuberculocidal is medical grade and not really used in the salons.
The risk of infection can be greatly reduce with a few simple steps
Proper handwashing, cleaning, and disinfection. You also have to clean and disinfect tools and equipment after every service. Keep your skin intact to reduce portals of entry for bacteria. Wear gloves, when working with chemicals, use lotion to reduce skin, drying and cracking, and cover open wounds. Also be prepared to turn away client to show signs of illness.
When a disease is capable of being spread from one person to another, it is said to be a what?
Contagious disease also known as Communicable
Some of the more propane, contagious diseases that prevent a beauty professional from servicing a client or what?
The common cold, ringworm, conjunctivitis (pink eye), and viral infections. These infections are most often spread through dirty hands, especially under the fingernails, and in the webs between the fingers. They can also be sprayed by contaminated implements, cuts, infected nails, open, sores, pus, mouth and nose discharges, shared drinking cups, telephone, receivers, and towels. Uncovered, coughing, or sneezing and spitting in public also spread germs.
Bacteria definition
Bacterium are single celled micro organisms that have both plant and animal characteristics.
Microorganism definition
Is any organism of microscopic or sub microscopic size.
Some bacteria are harmful, while others are harmless
Bacteria can exist, almost anywhere on skin, in the water, in the air, in decayed matter or on environmental services, in body secretions, on clothing, or under the free edge of nails.
There are thousands of different kinds of bacteria which fall into two primary types
Pathogenic, and non-pathogenic
Nonpathogenic definition
They are harmless organisms that may perform useful functions. They are safe to come in contact with since they do not cause disease or harm. Non-pathogenic organisms are used to make yogurt, cheese, and some medicines in the human body, non-pathogenic bacteria, help the body break down food, protect against infection, and stimulate the immune system..
Pathogenic definition
Bacteria or harmful micro organisms that can cause disease or infection in humans when they invade the body. Salons must maintain strict standards for cleaning and disinfecting at all times to prevent the spread of pathogenic microorganisms.
There can be no bacterial infection without the presence of pathogenic bacteria
Therefore, is pathogenic bacteria are eliminated clients cannot become infected
Inflammation definition
Is a condition in which the tissue of the body reacts to injury, irritation, or infection. Information is characterized by redness, heat, pain, and or swelling.
Pus definition
Is a fluid containing white blood cells, bacteria, and dead cells, and is the byproduct of the infectious process. The presence of purse is a sign of a bacterial infection.
Location infection definition
Such as a pimple or abscess, is confined to a particular part of the body, and appears as a lesion containing pus.
Systemic, infection, definition
Is an infection where the pathogen has spread throughout the body rather than staying in one area or organ.
Staphylococci definition
Are among the most common bacteria, that affect humans and are routinely found in our environment, including on our bodies, although most strains not make us ill, staff bacteria can be picked up on doorknobs, countertops, and other surfaces; however, they are most frequently spread in salons through skin to skin, contact, pedicure bowls, or the use of unclean tools, or implements, and can be very dangerous. Staff is responsible for food poisoning and a wide range of diseases, including toxic shock syndrome, and some flesh eating diseases. Some types of infectious staph bacteria are highly resistant to conventional treatments. Such as antibiotics an example is the staff infection called methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus. MRSA occurred most frequently among persons with the weekend immune system’s, or who had undergone medical procedures. Clients who appear completely healthy may bring this organism into the shop with them, where it can infect others MRSA initially appears as a skin infection, resulting in pimples, rashes, or boils that can be difficult to cure. Without proper treatment, the infection becomes systemic, and can have devastating consequences, even resulting in death.
Mycobacterium definition
Is the name for a large family of bacteria that is often found in soil and water. It has been linked to disfiguring infections associated partially with pedicure bowls. Because the bacteria may be present in your water supply. It is important to protect your clients by properly disinfecting all implements and bowls. You and your client keep your skin intact and protected. Avoid cracked skin by using lotions frequently. Advise client’s not to shave or wax their legs 24 hours prior to a pedicure.
Virus definition
A virus is a submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in the cells of a biological organism. A virus is capable of replication only through taking over the host cells. Reproductive function can only be seen under the most sophisticated and powerful microscope’s. They cause common cold and other respiratory and gastrointestinal digestive tract infections some of the viruses that plague humans are measles, mumps, chickenpox, smallpox, rabies, yellow fever, hepatitis, polio, SARS –Covid-2, influenza, and HIV which causes aids. While bacterial infections can usually be treated with specific antibiotics, viral infections cannot; viruses are hard to kill without harming the host cells in the process. Also, fungus is a virus. Many viruses can remain dormant for months to years following exposure, but most produce signs of illness within 10 to 14 days. A person is highly contagious in the days just before symptoms appear. Containment is achieved with those who are ill stay at home until their symptoms, resolved to the extent that they are no longer contagious. This makes prevention, paramount, and reducing the spread of illness.
Human papillomavirus and herpes Symplex virus
Are two highly contagious viruses that can be transmitted, both directly and indirectly. They can be spread through skin to skin contact and are often thought of sexually transmitted diseases. Both viruses can be spread from person to person indirectly through items like a wax pot. because majority of people infected with these viruses have no symptoms. It is important to follow good infection control procedures that may involve contact with blood and fluids.
Disease causing microorganisms that are carried in the body by blood or body fluids, such as hepatitis and HIV are called blood-borne pathogens
In the salon, the spread of blood-borne pathogens is possible whenever the skin is broken. Use great care to avoid cutting or damaging the customers skin.
Hepatitis definition
Is a blood-borne virus that causes disease and can damage the liver. It is difficult to contact hepatitis however, it is easier to contact than HIV because it can be present in all body fluids of those who are infected. Hepatitis can live on a surface outside the body for long periods of time. It is vital that all surfaces that a customer comes into. Contact with are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
Human immunodeficiency, virus a.k.a. HIV a.k.a. aids
Age is a disease that breaks down the bodies immune system. HIV is spread from person to person through blood and less often through other bodily fluids such as semen and vagina secretions. A person can be infected by HIV without even knowing it or showing symptoms for years. some people who are HIV positive. I’ve never been tested, and do not know they have the potential to infect others.
Fungi, definition
Are single celled organisms that grow in a regular masses that include molds, mildews and yeast. They can produce contagious diseases, such as ringworm. Ringworm is a fungal infection of the skin and shouldn’t be worked on.
Tinea barbae is also known as the barbers itch
A person with tinea barbae may have deeply inflamed patches of skin on the face or the nape of the neck
Tinea capitis
A fungal infection of the scalp characterized by red papules or spot at the opening of the hair follicles.
Parasites definition
Are organisms that grow, feed and shelter on or inside another organism aka referred to as a host, while contributing nothing to the survival of the organism. They must have a host to survive. They can live on or inside of humans and animals. They can be found in food, on plants and trees, and in water. humans can acquire internal parasites by eating fish or meat that has not been properly cooked. external parasites that affect humans are ticks, lice, fleas, and mites. Services should not be performed.
There are two types of parasites commonly encountered in the salon
Head lice is a type of parasite, responsible for contagious diseases and conditions.
Scabies is a contagious skin disease caused by the edge, my, which burrows under the skin .
Contaminated countertops, tools, and equipment should be thoroughly clean and then disinfected with an EPA registered disinfectant for the time recommended by the manufacturer, which is what?
10 minutes
Biofilms definition
Are colonies of micro organisms that adhere to environmental surfaces, as well as the human body. They secrete a sticky, hard to penetrate, protective coating, that cements them together. Grows into a complex structure, with many kinds of microbes. The sticky matrix substance hold communities together making them very hard to Pierce with anti-septic’s, antimicrobials, and disinfection. ultimately keeping the body in a chronic, inflammatory state that is painful and inhibits healing. They played a large role in disease and infections. Not usually visible, must grow very large to be seen without a microscope. Dental plague is an example of a visible human biofilm and algae colonies on ponds and slime and drains. Foot spas can harbor biofilms in require extra attention. They are one of the most significant scientific discoveries of the past few decades.
Proper infection control can prevent the spread of disease caused by exposure to potentially infectious materials on an item surface.
It will also prevent exposure to blood invisible debris or residue, such as dust, hair and skin. proper infection control requires two steps cleaning and then disinfecting with an appropriate EPA registered disinfectant. With these two steps are followed correctly, virtually all pathogens of concern in the salon can be effectively eliminated.
Sterilization definition
Is the process that destroys all microbial life, including spores, can be incorporated, but is really mandated. It usually requires the use of an auto clave, a piece of equipment that incorporates heat and pressure for sterilization to be affective items must be cleaned prior to use in the autoclave must be tested and maintained as instructed in the manufactures specifications, the centers for disease control and prevention a.k.a. CDC requires at auto place to be tested monthly to insure. They are working properly, excepted method is a sport test.
Step one: Cleaning definition
When you clean, you must remove all visible and surface dirt and debris from tools, implements and equipment by washing them with liquid soap or detergent and warm water or a chemical cleaner and using a clean disinfected brush to scrub any grooved or hinged portions of the item. When a surface is properly clean, the number of contaminants on the surface is greatly reduced. Proper cleaning, removes any oils or residue from items that might interfere with disinfectant being able to work properly. A surface must be properly clean before it can be properly disinfected. Clean surfaces can still harbor, small amounts of pathogens, but the presence of fewer pathogens means infections are less likely to be spread.
There are three ways to clean your tools and implements:
Washing with soap and warm water, and then scrubbing them with a client in properly disinfected nail brush
Using an ultrasonic unit
Using a chemical cleanser
Properly washing your hands is one of the most important actions you can take to prevent spreading germs from one person to another
It removes germs from the folds and grooves of the skin, and under the free edge of the nail by lifting and raising germs and contaminants from the surface of your skin.
Research has shown that repeated use of antibacterial products can actually increase the growth of some of the worst pathogens
True benefit of handwashing comes from the friction created by the soap bubbles that works to pull pathogens off the skin surface.
Are chemical germicides formulated for use on skin, and are registered and regulated by the FDA. Generally contain a high volume of alcohol and are intended to reduce the numbers and slow the growth of microbes on the skin when there is visible dirt and debris on the hands neither waterless hand sanitizers nor antiseptics will work until the dirt and debris removed. Hand sanitizers should be used as a secondary option to hand washing.
Call me an anti-septic service in the salon
Hydrogen peroxide has been used in homes in beauty industry forever. Used at a 3% strength and works well as an anti-septic however, it should never be used on an open cut as it destroys the cells that begin the healing process in a wound.
Isopropyl alcohol is effective in cleaning the skin; however, it can be very drying and cause irritation on the skin, and should only be used as a cleaner or anti-septic
Step 2 disinfecting
Second step of infection control is disinfection, disinfection is the process that eliminates most, but not necessarily are microorganisms on nonporous surfaces. Not effective against bacterial spores. Disinfection is extremely effective in controlling micro organisms on surfaces such as shears, clippers, and other multi use tools and equipment. Disinfectants used in the shop must carry an EPA registration number and the label should clearly state the specific organisms the solution is affective against when used according to the manufactures product instructions. Hass to be fungicidal virucidal and bactericidal.
Choosing a disinfectant, you must read and follow the manufacturers instructions whenever you are using a disinfectant
Mixing ratios, a.k.a. dilution in contact time are very important and can vary widely based on manufacture and delivery method. Most concentrates have a 10 minute contact time. Where most wipes have a two minute contact time. as concentration goes up and contact time goes down, disinfectants become more corrosive and damaging to implements.
Not all disinfectants have the same concentration, be sure to mix the correct proportion according to the instructions on the label
If the label does not have the word concentrate on it, the product is already mixed. It must be used directly from the original container and not be diluted.
All EPA registered disinfectant well specify a contact time are the directions for use
Disinfectants must have efficacy, which means the ability to produce the intended effect, it also means the effectiveness with which a disinfecting solution kills organisms when used according to the label instructions
As a beauty professional, you will primarily be using disinfectants that are effective for blood and body fluids from non-porous surfaces.
Non-porous means there is no pores or openings, and that it cannot absorb liquids. These type of materials are ideal.
quaternary ammonium compounds
Known as quads, or disinfectants that are very effective on used properly or nonporous surfaces. The most advanced type of these formulations is called multiple quats. Multiple quats contain sophisticated blends of quats that work together to significantly increase the effectiveness of these disinfectants. Usually disinfect implements in 10 minutes. Leaving tools in a quat solution For prolonged periods Can cause dulling or damage. Should be removed from the solution after the specified. Rinsed if required, dried and stored in a clean, covered container.
Tuberculocidal disinfectants
Are proven to kill the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. Hospital disinfectant. Tuberculosis is a disease caused by a bacterium that is transmitted through coughing or sneezing. Pass through inhalation only.
Phenolic disinfectants
Powerful tuberculocidal disinfectants, but just because it’s affective against the pathogen does not mean that you should use it. They are a form of formaldehyde, have a very high ph and damage the skin and eyes. Can be harmful to the environment if put down the drain. Phenol can damage plastic and rubber and cause certain metals to rust. Phenolics are known carcinogens, and such should be use only in states that require their use.
Household bleach, 5.25% sodium hypochlorite
Effective disinfectant, but Hass to be EPA registered as a disinfectant. chlorine bleach is the only bleach that disinfects so it is wise to always look for disinfection instructions on the label to ensure that the bleach use is actually disinfecting. Bleach is corrosive and can damage medals and plastics, as well as cause skin irritation, and eye damage. To mix a bleach solution always follow the manufacturers directions store bleach away from heat and light and fresh bleach solution should be mixed every 24 hours or when the solution has been contaminated. Data containers so that you don’t save bleach solution from one day to the next, which can be irritating to the lungs.
Some disinfectants appear clear well others especially phenolic disinfectants are a little cloudy
Keep the Sds on hand for the disinfectants you use and wears gloves and safety glasses. Add disinfectant to water when diluting if you add water to a disinfectant, they will be foaming which can result in incorrect mixing ratio. Use tongs gloves, or a draining basket to remove implements from disinfectants always follow the manufacturers instructions for anything.
never place any disinfectant or other product in an unmarked container, and never mix chemicals together, unless specified in the manufactures instructions.
Disinfecting containers used to be called, where sanitizers incorrectly
Disinfecting containers contain disinfected for disinfecting purposes, not for cleaning. The container you choose, must be large enough to contain all items to be disinfected and covered but not airtight.
Keep a log book
Should always follow manufactures recommended schedules for cleaning and disinfecting tools and implements, disinfecting work surfaces, scheduling regular service visits for equipment, and replacing parts when needed. Keep a logbook to log all equipment usage, cleaning, disinfecting, testing, and maintenance.
State rules require that all multi use tools and implement, be clean and disinfected before every service
Always at the disinfected to the water, not the water to the disinfected to prevent foaming
Hair clippers and other types of electrical equipment have contact points. They cannot be completely immersed in liquid.
These items should be clean and disinfected using an EPA registered disinfectant designed for use on these devices
Clean thousand one and should be used for each client
Store, soiled linens and towels in covered or close containers away from clean linens and towels
Chelating soaps
Also known as chelating detergents work to break down stubborn films and remove the residue of product, such as scrubs, socks, and mask. Chelating agents in the soaps, working all types of water and are low sudsing and are specifically formulated to work in areas with hard tapwater. Hard tapwater reduces the effectiveness of cleaners and disinfectants.
Standard precautions, definition
Are guidelines published by the CDC, that require the employer and employee to assume that any human blood and body fluids are potentially infectious because it may not be possible to identify clients with infectious diseases. In many cases clients who are just getting sick or are long term viral carriers are asymptomatic meaning that they show no symptoms or signs of infections. OSHA in the CDC has site safety standards in precautions that protects employees in situation so they could be exposed to blood-borne pathogens. Precautions include proper handwashing, wearing of gloves, and proper handling and disposing of sharp instruments in any other items that may have been contaminated by blood or other body fluids.
Personal protective equipment PPE a.k.a. specialized clothing or equipment, worn by an employee for protection against a hazard
Many chemicals used in the salon, bear labels that require the use of personal protective equipment, such as gloves and safety glasses, when working with their products. The hazards this particular standard refers to our blood-borne pathogen, such as hepatitis and HIV although you are required to protect yourself from blood, no matter how small it is. Sometimes several sets of gloves will need to be used the technician is to perform handwashing after removing each set of gloves and before putting on a new set when two services are being performed together or use antimicrobial gel cleanser between sets of gloves during the same appointment.
exposure incident definition
Is contact with nonintact, a.k.a. broken skin, blood, body fluid, or other potentially infectious materials that is the result of the performance of a workers duties. If you see any blood always stop the service. You should never perform a service on any client who comes in with an open wound, a rash, or an abrasion.
Tools and appliances
Should be strategically place, so that items are safely stored were not in use yet assessable when needed. Disinfecting jars should be set back toward a wall or partitions so as to not interfere with other tools it limits the risk of accidental spilling. if a tool or implement is dropped on the floor during a service, it must be replaced with a disinfected tool You must stop the service and properly disinfect the tool that was dropped. That’s why you should have multiple tools and implements. All tools and implement should be in good working condition never use bad or worn down tools and never service the tools yourself. Electrical cords could become a safety hazard and tend to become tangled when in use.