Chapter 4 Muscular System Flashcards
Hernia, tumor, swelling
And a connective tissue that envelops separate or binds together muscles or groups of muscles
Skeletal muscles/voluntary muscle/striated muscles
Attached to the bones of the skeleton and make body motions possible
Smooth/involuntary/unstriated/visceral muscle
Located in the walls of internal organs under the control of autonomic nervous system
Mycardial muscles/myocardium/cardiac muscle
Funny muscular walls of the heart, striated in appearance
Muscle innervation
The stimulation of a muscle by impulse transmitted by a motor nerve
Movement of a limb away from the midline of the body
Movement of a limb toward the midline of the body
Decreasing the angle between two bones by bending a limb at a joint
Increasing the angle between two bones or the straightening out of a limb
Active rotating the arm or the legs at the palm of the hand or foot is turned forward or upward
After rotating the arm or leg so that the palm of the hand or soul of the foot is turn downWard or backward
Movement that been so for upward at the ankle
Plantar flexion
Movement that bends the foot downword at the ankle
Slanted or at an angle
And straight alignment with the vertical axis of the body
Ring like muscle that tightly constricts the opening of a passageway
In a crosswise direction
Muscle in the forehead it raises and lowers eyebrows
Muscle moves the lower jaw up and back to close the mouth
Move the lower jaw up to close the mouth and chewing
Pectoralis major
Makes up the bulk of the chest muscles lies under the breast
External oblique
Found in the abdomen flex and rotate the vertebral column flex the torso and compress the abdomen
Internal oblique muscles
I found in the abdomen muscles flex the spine support the abdomen contents, help breathe and rotate the spine
Rectus abdominus
Helps flush the trunk assist and breathing and supports the spine
Transverse abdominis
Located on the side of the abdomen core muscle is engagement a person laughed or coughs
Forms the muscular cap of the shoulder
Muscle moves the head and shoulder blade
Biceps Brachii
Located in the anterior upper arm flexes the elbow
Triceps brachii
Located in the posterior upper arm extends the elbow
Rectus femoris
Extends the leg at the knee
Quadriceps femoris
Made it before muscles flex and extend the leg at the knee
Hamstring group
Involved and knee flexion and hip extension
The calf muscle that flexes the knee and Bends the foot downward
Exercise physiologist
Specialist she works under the supervision of a physician to develop implement and coordinate exercise programs and administer medical test to promote physical fitness
Physician who specializes in treating the causes of paralysis and similar muscular disorder in which there is a loss of function
Occupational therapist
Helps enable patient to participate in the activities of daily life
Physician who specializes in physical medicine and rehabilitation with the focus on restoring function
Physical therapist
Provide treatment to prevent disability or restore function with the use of exercise heat massage or other techniques
Sports medicine physician
Specializes in treating sports related injuries of the bones joints and muscles
Inflammation of the fascia