Chapter 3 Skelatal System Flashcards
Skeletal structure
Bones bone marrow cartilage joints ligaments Sanovia membranes synovial fluid and Bursae
Actors framework support and protect internal organs work in conjunction with muscles ligaments and tendons
Membranes and cartilage start becoming bone
New bone formation
Rebuild the bone
Tough fibrosis tissue that forms the outermost covering of the bone
Compact bone
Cortical bone the dents hard and very strong bond that forms a protective outer layer of bones accounts for 75% of body’s bone matter
Spongy bone
Cancelleous bone poorest lighter and weaker than compact bone red marrow is often located within the spongy bone bones with large percentage of spongy bone are weaker
Medullary cavity
Central cavity located in the shaft of long bones surrounded by compact bone red and yellow bone marrow are stored
Tissue that lines the medullary cavity
Red bone marrow
Located within the spongy bone is a Hemopoietic tissue that manufactures red blood cells and hemoglobin white blood cells and thrombocytes
Pertaining to the formation of blood cells
Yellow bone marrow
Functions as a fat storage area compose chiefly of fat cells and is located in the medullary cavity of long bones
Smooth rubbery blue white connective tissue that acts as a shock absorber between bones
Articular cartilage
Covers the surfaces of bones were they articulate or come together to form joints
Curved fibrosis cartilage found in some joints such as the knee
The shaft of a long bone
Wider ends of long bones covered with articular cartilage to protect it
An opening in A bone through which blood vessels nerves and ligaments pass through
Normal projection on the surface of a bone that most commonly serves as an attachment for muscle or tendon
The place of union between two more bones
Fibrous joint
Consisting of inflexible layers of dense connective tissue hold the bones tightly together
Fontanelles/Soft spot
Normally present on the school of a newborn
Cartaginous joints
Allow only slight movement and consist of bones connected entirely by cartilage
Pubic symphysis
Allow some movement to facilitate childbirth
Synovial joint
Created where two bones articulate to permit a variety of motions
Ball and socket joints
Allow a wide range of movement in many directions
Hinge joints
synovial joints allow movement primarily in one direction or plane
Synovial capsule
Outer most layer of strong Fiborous tissue that surrounds the joint
Synovial membrane
Lines the capsule and secretes synovial fluid
Synovial fluid
Flows within the synovial cavity acts as a lubricant to make this smooth movement of joints
Bands of Fiborous tissue that form joints by connecting one bone to another bone or by joining a bone to cartilage
Fiborous sac the acts as a cushion to each movement in areas that are subject to friction such as the shoulder
Axial skeleton
Protects the major organs of the Nervis respiratory and circular system
Axial skeleton contains
The bones of the skull bones of the middle ear hyoid bone the rib cage and vertebral column
Appendicular skeleton
Makes body movement possible and also protects the organs of digestion excretion and reproduction
Upper extremities
Shoulders arms forearms wrists and hands
Lower extremities
Hips thighs legs ankles and feet
Anything that is attached to a major part of the body
Means referring to an appendage
The terminal end of a body parts such as an arm or leg
Eight bones that form the cranium 14 bones that form the face and six bones in the middle ear
Frontal bone
Anterior position of the cranium that forms the forehead
Parietal bone
Two of the large bones of the school together they form most of the roof and upper side of the cranium
Occipital bone
Forms the back part of the school and the base of the cranium
Temporal bones
Form the sides and base of the cranium
External auditory meatus
Opening of the external auditory canal of the outer ear
Sphenoid bone
In a regular wedge shaped bone at the base of the skull help us find the base of the cranium beside the school and the floors and sides of the eyesockets
Ethmoid bone
White spongy bone located at the roof and sides of the nose
Auditory ossicles
Three tiny bones located in the middle ear
These bones are known as the malleus incus and stapes
Nasal bones
Upper part of the bridge of the nose
Zygomatic bone/cheekbones
Articulate with the frontal bone that makes up the forehead
Maxillary bones
For most of the upper jaw also known as the maxillae
Palitine bones
Form the anterior part of the hard palate of the mouth and floor of the nose
Lacrimal bones
Make a part of the orbit at the inner angle
Inferior Conchae
Thin scrolling bones that form part of the interior of the nose
Vomer bone
Form the basis for the nasal septum
The only mobile bone of the school attached to the skull at the temporomandibular joint
Thoracic cavity
Bony structure that protects the heart and lungs consist of the ribs sternum and upper portion of the spinal column
12 pairs attached posteriorly to the thoracic vertebrae
True ribs
First seven pairs attach Anteriorly to the sternum
False ribs
Attached anteriorly to the cartilage that connects them to the sternum
Floating ribs
Only attached posteriorly to the vertebrae but are not attached anteriorly
Flat dagger shaped bone located in the middle of the chest
Bony structure that forms the upper portion of the sternum
Body of the sternum/gladiolus
Bony structure that forms the middle portion of the sternum
Xiphoid process
Structure made of cartilage that forms the lower portion of the sternum
Pectoral girdle/Shoulder girdle
Supports the arms and hands
Slender bone that connects the Manda Bram to the sternum to the scapula
Shoulder blade
Extension of the scapula That forms the high point of the shoulder
Bone of the upper arm
Smaller and shorter bone in the forearm
Larger and longer bone of the forearm
Olecranon process
Large protection on the upper end of the ulna this form as a point of the elbow in exposes a Nerve that tingles when it struck
Eight bones that form the wrist these bones for my narrow Bonnie passage known as the carpal tunnel
Five bones that form the palm of the hand
The 14 bones of the fingers
How many bones does each finger have
Each of the four fingers has three bones these are distal middle and proximal phalanges
How many bones does the thumb have
The thumb has two bones do use are the distal and proximal phalanges