Chapter 4 Management and Organisition Flashcards
Name the seven principles of management.
- Forecasting and planning
- Organisation
- Commanding or directing
- Controlling
- Coordination
- Motivation
- Communicating
Name some types of forecasts
• Financial forecasts
-Comapany annual turnover
-company cash funding requierments
individual project cash funding
- Construction workload forecasts and estimating workload
- Resource forecasts
- Staffing and key labour
- Subcontractor
.How can ”organisation” be defined?
The grouping of work andthe allocation of duties, responsibilities and authority
There are basically two styles of leadership. Which?
• Autocratic ”one who Comands” Expects everone to comply
Dogmatic- arrogant, assertive
Positive- Clear cut, deciseive
Often rule by threat or reward
• Democratic Manages by consulation with subordinates
Encourages participation. Develops a team apporach. Ses the good in people around him.
Present a definition of ”team-work”.
When people work collaboratively towars a common goal ”A team adds value to the group because it is a team”
What is the difference between a team and a group of people?
A team is a number of people working together to achieve somethings a group does not.
How big is an ideal team-size?
5-10 people
Name at least five features characteristic for teams within construction.
- Teams that have functioned for a long time (during several projects) have proven to be efficeient
- Construction project teams are in general temporary- they often break up when the project is finished
- Clashes of personlities within the team is a great draw-back
- Some un-dicilined teams of people working for one part, eg. 3 concrete workers and + 1 foreman working on site
- Some times teams of people representing different praties e.g. client contractor teams working together
- Some times multi-discilined teams of people e.g. architects, suveryors, engineers
Name and discuss some factors that make it difficult to have a good team-building within
Describe a ”modern” concept of control!
Control is a foreseeing action where as earlier concept of control was used only when errors where detected.
There are seven important parts (or steps) as regards control. Name these!
- Set the aims for he project (Time, Quality, cost)
- Plan how these aims shall be achieved. The plas are based on anticipated data
- Carry out the work accordning to the plans
- Follow up the work which means collect real data
- Check the work compare the anticipated data with the collected data
- Analyse the reasons behind descripances between anticipated data and real data
- Take necessary corrective action in oder to obtain the aims for the project
What is a de-motivating factor?
Something which makes the workes not want to do a good-job. De-moviating factors have more effect.
Name five motivating factors!
- Good pay
- Recognition for accomplishment
- Good relation between crafts
- Good safety programs
- Well. Defined goals
Name five de-motivating factors !
- Disrespectful treatmeant of workers
- Lack of sense of accomplishmeant
- Nonavailability of materials and tools
- Necessity to redo work
- Descontinuity in crew composition
. Name at least five “communication tools” important within construction.
Present a chart showing an example of a project organisation for a small construction
Present a chart showing an example of a project organisation for a medium sized construction company!