Chapter 3.1, 3.3-3.5, 3.7, 3.12 Procurement methods Flashcards
When a Client is going to choose a procurement method (procurement route) he/she should consider and assess some important procurement factors.
a. Of these factors three are considered to be main. Which?
b. There are more factors that should be considered. Name at least three!
• Time- the overall timing of the project from inception to completion
• Quality- The client’s required standrads of design and workmansship as expressed in the specification
• Cost- cerntaintly of the market price at the bid submission and final account stages
• Complexity- complexity of buildning design, layout and services provision
• Controllable variation- How sure is the client of his requirments? The cost variations to the contract may prove difficult to agree assess.
• Degree of competition . does the client wish to create competition at the design and construction stages of the project
• Clientr resposibility- does the client wish to be directly involved in decision-making during the projet.
• Risk in project- commercial risk, pccupation design and construction risk.
- Name some important decisions, related to procurement, the Client has to make when he/she is going to implement a project!
- Choosing an appropriate procurement straegy for managaing the project
- Selecting the clients principal addvisor or lead consultant, that is architect, engineer, projectmanager
- The appointment of other consultants
- Establishing the clients brief and assessing the projects feasibility
- Obtaining the required project finance
- Choosing how to procure and manage the designand construction
- Establishing a realistic time period for the overall project
3.How do you “define” procurement?
A process for establishing contractual relationships to accomplish project objectives. The assembly, tendering and award of contractors or commitment documents
4.How do you “define” procurement method?
The organisational and contractual relationship chosen by a client, to one more desigeners and one more contractors in oder to implement a specific construction project
- Present for the procurement method “Traditional procurement”
a) A chart showing the contractual relations between Client, Design office, Contractor and Sub-contractors
General features “Traditional procurement”
• Design is seperated from construction with a tendering period
• Alternatives as regards basis for payment
-lump sum contract based on drawings and specifications presented by the client from beginning
• Re measurements contract based on approximate quantities: the contract price is determined at the end of the contract by measuring actual work
Advantages “Traditional procurement”
- Client has control over design team and qualitu can be assured
- Price sompetition gives a favourable price for the client
- Client knows the lump sum before being committed
- Firm contractual date of completion
Disadvantages “Traditional procurement”
- All design risk is ultimately carried by the client
- High pre-comtract design fees are rather common
- Responsibility for specialists lies with the client
- Commitinment to a lump sum price is often underminded by a lack of information or client changes
- Many contractors bid ”in vain”
Present for the procurement method “Design and build”
A chart showing the contractual relations between Client, Design office, Contractor
and Sub-contractors
General features “Design and build”
- Many varieties as regards design and build
- Main ideas single point of responsibility for both design and construction
- The client can benefit from the contractros expertise early in the project
- (Tradionational design and build: contractros has full resposibility for conceptunal and design.
Advantages “Design and build”
- price certainty is secured early in the project
- contractual completion dates are fixed early in the design process
- less risk of price changes during the design development
- main contractor provides single point resposibility for design and construction
- major risks lie with the contractor
- the construction works can start before all designs are completed and a shorther project time can be achieved.
Disadvantages “Design and build”
- the contractor assumes a greater financial risk which often is reflected in the price
- difficulties for client to evaulate and compare tendering stages
- The tender period and negotiations tends ro take long time
- Difficulties to monitor, asses, and control design and quality
- A risk that the contractor will drive the project with regard to price instead of quality
Present for the procurement method “Construction Management”
a.A chart showing the contractual relations between Client, Design office, Contractor
and Sub-contractors
General features “Construction Management”
- The client has direct contracts with a number of ”work package constructors”
- Each work package contractor has a separate contract and is paid by the client
- The client is assisted by a project manager (entire project) and a construction manager at site.
- The most important task assigned to the construction manager is to plan and supervise the work to be undertaken by the ”work package contractors”
Advantages “Construction Management”
- Maximum overlap between design and construction as each package design is completed work may commence on the project
- Quality can be assured- high level of supervision and quality control can be achived at site level.
- Variations can be kept under control as price of changes can be agreed before commencing a variation
- Suits complex projects where the design can be developed in stages
Disadvantages “Construction Management”
- No contractor is comitted to the total cost of the project
- The total cost of the project is usually not known until the project is well into the construction stage
- Problems due to delay are difficult to pin on one dubcontractor and they are expensive to negotiate
Present for the concept “Partnering”
A definition
A structurade methodolgy for organisations to set up mutually adventages commercial arrangemanets either for single projects or in long-term relationsships, which help their people work together more effectively
General features “Partnering”
- Voluntary arrangement which operates within a chosen procurement method
- Can be formalised if this desired
General features in the ideal situation of “Partnering”
- All participants seek ”win-win” solation
- Trust and openness are norms
- All are encouraged to openly address any problem
- All understand that no one benefits from expolotation of the others
- Innovation is encouraged
- Each partner is aware of the others needs and concerns and objectives and is intreseted in helping the partner achieve this
- Open communication
- Top-down commitment
- Honest dealings
- Elimation of confrontions
- Pro-active teamwork
What is the difference between “project partnering” and “strategic partnering”
- Stragetic partenering: A realationship is developed over an in definite period and there is a long term commitment to the parterning apporach
- Project partenering: The partnering approach is applied for a particular project, length of the time or contract.
Cost reimbursement methods can be divided into two main groups. Which?
- Firm fixed price
* Cost-plus
The cost reimbursement method “fixed” price can be divided into sub-groups in two ways. Which?
- firm fixed price
* fixed price with escalation
What is a “lump-sum” contract?
Specified payment (total amount) for completion of the work described in conract documents
. What is a “unit-price contract”?
Specifies the amount to be paid for each unit of the work but not the total amount used when quantity of the work cannot be accurately estimated in advance. Disadvantage: final cost not known
Describe the following “cost plus methods” as regards arrangement and incentive for the
contractor to reduce costs:
a. Cost plus percentage of cost:
The contractor is paid a fee that is a precentage of costs
b. Cost plus fixed fee: the contractor is paid a specified feer egardless of the final cost, no incentive for the contractor to reduce costs
c. Cost plus fixed fee with guaranteed maxim cost contract: the contractor gurentees a maximum total cost for the project. -Incentive to limit costs – higher risk for contructor higher fee
d. Cost plus incentive fee contract: the contractor is paid a fee that is depended of the final cost:
- intended to reduce total project costs
- the contractors norminal fee is adjusted upwardor downward in a specified manner
- Lower total cost gives higher fee and vice verse.