Chapter 4 Identify Subordinate And Entry Skills Flashcards
Goals in which the steps are only intellectual or psychomotor skills.
How do you learn the relationship among things?
Be able to classify them.
What is the best starting point for hierarchical approach?
Let the analysis identify the skills for you.
In an instructional analysis what are steps and sub steps?
Activities that an expert would describe as the steps in a performance.
In an instructional analysis what are subordinate skills?
Skills that would not necessarily be listed but are needed for learners to perform the skill.
Used when the instructional goal or main sub skill in the goal requires learning verbal information.
How do you identify subordinate skills that should be taught?
The answer is almost always apparent from the statement of the goal itself.
What is the most meaningful analysis of a verbal information goal?
Identify the major categories of information that are implied by the goal. Are there ways that the information can be clustered best?
What is the knowledge base called on when we execute our how to instructional skills?
Verbal information.
The first half of the analysis of an attitudinal goal requires
Hierarchical analysis techniques
The second part of attitudinal goal analysis is usually
Verbal information
In an attitudinal goal verbal information constitutes the
Persuasive part of attitude shaping and should be included as part of the instructional analysis
In a diagram verbal information is shown in
A right hand box and is used in support of the intellectual goal to the left
What type of subordinate skills analysis is used for each goal (intellectual, psychomotor, verbal, attitude)
Intellectual = hierarchical
Psychomotor = hierarchical
Verbal information = Cluster
Attitude = hierarchical or cluster
Why is instructional analysis process so critical to the design of instruction?
It is a process the ID can use to identify those skills really needed by the student to achieve the terminal objective and to exclude unnecessary skills.
Skills learners must have already mastered in order to learn the new skills.
Why is identifying entry skills a dangerous part of the ID process?
Because it requires the ID professional to make assumptions about both what the learner must know and should already know.
Requires a combination of intellectual and motor skills
Psychomotor skills